Tefilos on Behalf of Ill Ponevezh Talmid

Hundreds of talmidim and rabbonim from Ponevezh Yeshiva were at the Kosel to be mispallel for a talmid of the yeshiva who has been battling serious illness for the past three years. Unfortunately, the young man’s condition deteriorated significantly during recent days.

Four buses transported the talmidim and rabbonim to Yerushalayim and they distributed sheets with the name, Rafael Tzvi Aryeh ben Dina — asking others at the Kosel to be mispallel on his behalf as well.

At the conclusion of their tefilos HaGaon HaRav Markowitz, a former rosh yeshiva, officially added the name Rafael to the young man’s name.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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