President Peres Calls for Pollard’s Release

President Shimon Peres kept his word to Mrs. Esther Pollard, promising to act on her request to seek her husband Jonathan’s release by Monday.

As reported by YWN News, Jonathan Pollard was rushed to a hospital before Shabbos and his condition was reported as critical.

Mrs. Pollard met with the president, asking for his assistance, telling him “I don’t want to be a widow”.

Mr. Peres sent a letter to US President Barak Obama asking him to act today towards saving Pollard’s life. He asks that he pardon Pollard to permit him to live the remainder of his life out of prison, and not as he is living today.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu also released a statement ahead of yomtov for Pollard’s freedom stating the “holiday of freedom should become Pollard’s personal holiday of freedom”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. How ANY Yid (even a ‘liberal’ one) could vote for this anti-Semite just amazes me.
    Obama’s Pesach “seder” and Chanuka party, etc. mean less than the split hoof on a chazir.

  2. #2, it’s a good thing you clarified your first comment because the person inside the white house is definitely not white! 🙂

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