Photo Essay: Yartzeit Of The Bobov Rov ZATZAL, Marked By Bobover Rebbe (Photos by JDN)

4 Responses

  1. To be clear: the Bobover Rebbe, Reb Naftulche’s Yahrzeit is 12 Adar.

    The Bobover Ruv, Reb Shloimele’s Yahrzeit is 1 Av.

    Zechusam yagein aleinu.

  2. To be even clearer:- The Johrzeit of the previous Rebbe ZT’L, 1/2 brother of the current Rebbe shlita, is “12th Adar Sheni”. All 5 Bobov Rebbes were/are selfless & very great leaders.

  3. To No. 2

    To be totally clear and remove any confusion. Do the Bobov keep Reb Naftulche’s yahrzeit in non-leap-years on 12 Adar Rishon or simply wait until a leap year??

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