Eida Charedis Targets Abu Kabir Forensic Institute

The Eida Chareidis released a sharply worded letter addressing the total lack of respect for Halacha and niftarim by officials in the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute.

The Eida is addressing the fact that thousands of body parts remained in storage containers in the facility by its chief pathologist, Prof. Yehuda Hiss, as was reported months ago by YWN-Israel.

Hiss is notorious for his total disregard for Halacha, the wishes of family members of deceased and his bizarre practices regarding the dead. Calls to dismiss him were heard well over a decade ago, but he continues in his post to this very days.

The Eida refers to this “as yet another chapter of official bodies defiling our dead R”L and part of the overall war being waged against religion and our Torah – seeking to uproot the belief in the World to Come and all the laws pertaining to Jewish burial”.

Some predict the letter is simply setting the stage for a renewed Eida battle against Abu Kabir after yomtov.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Baruch Hashem they are standing up kovod hameis against the Israelis who are notorious for this. The Eida is once again making a kiddush Hashem.

  2. Can someone find a link or an article to the famous Chareidi protests in the 60s and 70s over the Israeli autopsy scandals detailed in “Lieutenant Birnbaum”? I was one time trying to find information about it online, but I couldn’t come up with anything. The only information I have is from the book, and a small Hebrew pamphlet I found in Eretz Yisroel once, which had pictures of some of the gedolim at the time leading protests in front of hospitals. I do remember that the chosen symbol was a rabbit, with the logic “Experiment on rabbits, not on humans”.

  3. #1:
    Now the Eida is right. Unfortunately, their many unnecessary protests and riots, make correct demonstrations like this one lose their influence.

  4. This has been an ongoing diseaster for years.
    Why can it not be fixed? Every Jewish family in Israel, religious or not deserves kavod hameis. This needs to be put on top of the list for coalition demands and budget concerns.

  5. I agree with Sane Conservative. The countless protests over some girls dress length or burning old TVs and all the rest will probably result in no one even listening to this protest. It is ashame, because if the article is correct this is something all can agree should be corrected. From Non-religious to super Charedi all agree in respect for the dead.

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