Police Station Opens on Har HaZeisim

After countless attacks against visiting Jews by Arabs, the long overdue police station on Har HaZeisim opened today, Thursday, 13 Nissan 5772. Minister of Public Security Yitzchak Aharonovich was on hand for the ceremonious opening.

The minister stated that in light of the growing number of attacks the station is indeed necessary towards bringing a cessation to rock and firebomb attacks. In addition to the attacks there is the issue of vandalism against kevarim and smashed tombstones, which police will be addressing this as well.

Heads of Yerushalayim chevra kadishas were on hand to take part in the ceremony as well.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. B”H – It’s L O N G overdue.

    Now let’s hope the police don’t arrest those visiting the kevarim instead of the yishmaeli savages.

  2. FINALLY,,,,thank you all the activists particularly the Lubinsky family in not allowing this issue of “Lack of Security” on Har Hazasim to disappear.

    Gdwilling this Police Station will be a deterent to the ARABS who are looking for any easy target…strength and consistent viligence is a must.

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