School Removes ‘God’ From ‘God Bless the USA’

Parents at a Massachusetts elementary school are furious after educators first removed the word ‘God’ from the popular Lee Greenwood song, “God Bless the U.S.A.” and then pulled the song all together from an upcoming concert.

Fox 25 in Boston is reporting that children at Stall Brook Elementary School in Bellingham were told to sing, “We love the U.S.A.” instead of “God Bless the U.S.A.”

Greenwood released a statement to Fox News condemning the school’s actions.

“The most important word in the whole piece of music is the word God, which is also in the title ‘God Bless The USA,” Greenwood said. “Maybe the school should have asked the parents their thoughts before changing the lyrics to the song. They could have even asked the writer of the song, which I of course, would have said you can’t change the lyrics at all or any part of the song.”

Greenwood said the phrase “God Bless the USA” has a “very important meaning for those in the military and their families, as well as new citizens coming into our country.” He said it’s also played at every naturalization ceremony behind the national anthem.

“If the song is good enough to be played and performed in its original setting under those circumstances, it surely should be good enough for our children,” Greenwood said.

An online poll taken by the television station indicated more than 80 percent of viewers were outraged by removing God from the song.

“I don’t have a problem with the song if somebody else does I guess it’s there business,” resident Patrick Grudier said. “I mean It’s on our currency (God).”

But not everyone agreed – including parent Matthew Cote.

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with changing the song,” he told the television. “It’s a public school. If you want to have the word God in the song, go to a private school.”

Reaction on Facebook has been overwhelmingly in favor of the traditional patriotic song.

“Here we go again, more war on Christianity,” wrote one Facebook user. “You can remove God all you want, but the good news — there is still a loving God and He lives.”

Another Facebook user called it sad and disgusting. “I’d like to say unbelievable — but it is so totally believable.”

(Source: Fox News Radio)

3 Responses

  1. All public schools in the United States (other than those on military bases or Indian reservations) are run by locally elected school boards (some places elect a board for each school, in other places the city or county legislature is in charge). If the parents are unhappy, they should show it at the polls. It should also be noted that while teachers often have job security, it is never a problem to get rid of an administrator who disobeys his elected masters.

  2. Hashem Racheim Aleinu???!!!! It is apparent that much of the population in the USA, is in a state of rebellion against our nation and what it has stood for since the founding of this country. There are those using & twisting the Declaration of Independance, Constitution, and the Bill of Rights to ruin what this country stands for.
    I cannot understand why this country welcomes its enemies and allows them rights as citizens – there is definitely
    an attempt to overthrow our country and all it has stood for. We must raise our voices first and foremost in Tefillah to The Borei Olam to have mercy on us, secondly political voices must be raised, and action must be taken in order to avoid the toppling of our nation as seen by our founding fathers, and as it was meant to be, and has been until recently.
    Jews were sent to the gas chambers, rather than admitted to this country, because it was viewed as counter to the good of the nation to give them entry. But today they are
    welcoming and supporting our terrorist enemies, and those who belong to their nationalities.
    Rachameinu Hashem!
    Rise up citizens and be heard, scream, yell, vote, write!!!

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