Mini-Overview Parshas Parah

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times

The third parashah of the Arba Parshios is parashas Parah. It commemorates the parah adumah that was prepared in the desert after the Mishkan was erected so that the Korban Pesach could be eaten in purity. We read it now so that Hashem should throw this purifying water upon us as well, speedily in our days. Some say that it is a Torah mitzvah to read this parashah as it is part of the mitzvah to remember the sin of the egel hazahav.

The Parah Adumah is the means of purifying ourselves from the impurity of coming in contact with the dead. Why is this found right after Parshas Korach? The Chezkuni explains that many had died in Korach’s rebellion and thus this section was necessary. We see from here that Hashem always watches for the needs of Klal Yisroel. We too must always try to emulate Hashem and always watch out for the needs of Klal Yisroel.

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