IDF Prepares to Sell its Chametz

The IDF Rabbinate is working diligently to rid the military of all its chametz. At this time of the year many reservists who serve in the rabbinate are called to reserve duty to pitch in to kasher military bases and outposts around the country. The military changes over from bread to matzah days before the yomtov to enable the rabbinate to complete its job.

On Wednesday, 12 Nissan 5772, all the bases will be kashered in the final stages of preparations. On Thursday, in a ceremony including Defense Minister Ehud Barak and IDF Chief Rabbi Brigadier-General Rafi Peretz, the chametz will be sold. Barak will give his approval to sell the chametz and Rabbi Peretz will see that it is done. The rav stresses he is pleased with how the operation is going, adding that the military will be totally kosher for Pesach, whether on a base, outpost, boat, plane or wherever the military may be – everything will be ready for yomtov. “The level of hiddur will not be less than one finds in one’s home” he added.

Soldiers who cannot attend a formal seder due to their duties will be given a seder kit, which includes everything from charoses to matzos shmurah and of course a haggadah.

The rav will sell the chametz, which will include all of the chametz of the nation’s defense establishments and its various institutions, such as the Shin Bet and Mossad Intelligence Agency.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Did they also “sell” or remove the “female vocalist chometz”? Yanky55- no one says “they” intentionally do that- it naturally happens. It’s impossible for a Frum soldier to not be somewhat spiritually affected when some around him have no care for what it means to be a practicing JEW.

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