Jews Attack Arab Youths in Yerushalayim

The daily Haaretz reported that two Arab youths were assaulted by Jewish youths in the Shmuel HaNavi neighborhood of the capital earlier in the week. One of the assailants used a metallic rod in the assault.

Mahmud Otman, a 24-year-old resident of the Shimon HaTzaddik area of the capital explains he was simply attacked without provocation. He explains he felt a blow to his head, which knocked him to the ground, and then four people pounced on him. He called for help. A friend who was with him was also assaulted.

They were transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital and treated for injuries, some requiring sutures. At least one of the victims was admitted for 24 hours.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


13 Responses

  1. SpiderJerusalem is suffering from cognitive dissonance…doesn’t want such a story to be true…therefore it ain’t true.

  2. If this is true the way it is written then it certainly is not helpful for us Jews. However, I highly question the credibility. It remains to be seen.

  3. It’s not cognitive dissonance, it’s the fact that I saw conflicting reports on this event, if it occurred at all, and I would like to see a link to another article is all.

  4. if this story would be true in would have been published in most media and newspaper which are anti jews and since the has been no sign of that the story is probably not true or the facts have been misplaced

  5. Agreed with number 4, we need more heros like that, to put some fear in the enemies harts. Now they are not afraid to walk anywhere in Israel but we would be lincehed if we step in their neibourhood. We need touisandfold like this events, may be that would drive them out of the land. Now they are too comfortable.

  6. Another report from Al Jazearetz.
    Haaretz does not follow journalistic ethics: they interview only one side, testimony is reported as fact “he explains” (not he claimed), they don’t ask a neutral party, there is no follow up.

  7. Well I definitely agree that Haaretz are just out to get us! But on this occasion it somehow makes sense. I was a first had witness to a similar episode today!! I was drivim=ng in the shmuel hanavi area turning from rachov beit yisroel to rachov karo wen suddenly a jewish youth on the side of the road threw a rock on the windscreen of of an arab car a second later another followed and within afew seconds there were about fifteen of them throwing rocks at the car that was right next to me!! The arabs are our enemies but I dont want to see anyone stick up for these low rock throwers, they are lowlife violent people-one brick missed the window next to my 10 month old daughter by a few inches!!!

  8. If its true, I am sure there was some provocation. But then again, the recent attacks by arabs on jews in Yerushalayim provide an ongoing stream of provocation….

  9. “Mahmud Otman, a 24-year-old resident of the Shimon HaTzaddik area of the capital explains he was simply attacked without provocation.”

    First of all, 24 years old is not a youth. Second, he “explains” this, does he? And did the traitors at al Ard bother to wonder whether he might perhaps not be telling the truth? Or does his “explanation” automatically make it the truth?

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