Rav Lau & Minister Critical of Food Package Distribution

Minister of Welfare & Social Services Moshe Kahlon on Tuesday, 11 Nissan 5772, released a sharp condemnation of the method in which food packages are given to the needy in Israel ahead of Pesach. The minister praised the work of the many non-profit tzedaka agencies that provide holiday basics and more for tens of thousands of people, but stated instead of actually giving out cartons of food, the recipients should receive coupons.

In essence, the minister is concerned with the shame and embarrassment to the recipients, who find themselves on long line, in public view, waiting for their number to be called to receive yomtov handout. He feels that if the recipients receive food vouchers instead of the actual boxes, they could shop for themselves and receive the same assistance while avoiding the painful embarrassment associated with the difficult plight.

Joining in with the minister is Tel Aviv Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau Shlita, who stated that while the tzedaka organizations must be praised for their assistance and mesirus nefesh, “this is simply not the way to go about it”, emphasizing the gravity of the situation in which so many needy people are embarrassed due to the current system.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. This article is totally misinformed. If they had to give out coupons the tzedakah would have to collect twice as much money because they are buying it straight from the produce fields and are paying less than what the stores pay.

    Second i was at the largest kimcha de’pischah distributon in yerushalayim today the whole day and it was a massive kiddush hashem. yidden helping others no one was embarrased it was all heimishe helping heimishe people get what they need. and it was an avee-rah full of simchas yom tov. it was beautiful to see and was professionally videotaped by the organizers for future fundraising. if anyone thought this was embarrasing they wouldnt be willing to be videotaped. the ppl in this article should geta clue and come see it for themselves goyim and chilonim were watching in utter amazement

  2. Well said! In my home town we make discreet home deliveries to the needy before Yomim Tovim and Shabbos. Great lengths are taken to avoid any humilation of the recipients.

  3. The fact that many people have lost the sensibility to be embarrassed is sad. Maybe it’s due to years of shnorring in this way. Boruch Hashem many people are still embarrassed by waiting on line for food handouts. I agree with #1 that vouchers are not the way to go for financial reasons. Home deliveries- for thousands, would cost tens of thousands. So what’s the Eitza?

  4. @3, the coordinators need to know who is willing to come in and who is not. For tnose who can’t come in, a combinagion of volunteer delivery people in both truck and privatee cars, as well as small discreet local distribution points (including volunteers’ homes) will usually work.

    By the way, with the volunteer-using-own-car model, you also can’t tell who is picking up for personal use anymore, allowing more people to come and pick up their packages without embarassment.

    In the US, it is easier, with more people driving their own cars, but it should work ok with some adaptation in E”Y.

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