Melbourne Australia Yeshiva Ketana Matzah Baking At Adass Shul Matzah Bakery


A ‘Sof Zman’ (end of the semester) especially following Purim, is a time when the learning in a Yeshiva can sometimes takes a little ‘dip’, with the hasmodo (diligence) not as good as it should and could be. Prevention being the best cure, the Hanholas Hayeshiva of Yeshivas Betzel Hachochmo – Adass Yisroel Melbourne came up with the idea to boost these last few weeks with a special matza baking ‘mivtza’ (program). All the talmidim receive cards where they mark in their ‘retzifus’ (learning diligently without a break) hours, davening and learning attendance etc and hand them in. Those reaching a minimum predetermined amount are allowed to join, and those excelling are awarded preselected jobs and extra matzos. Due to its success last year with a remarkable sof zman, and an amazing matzo baking event enjoyed by all, the program was run again this year with the accumulation of hundreds of hours of learning ‘retzifus’.

The program culminated yesterday Sunday 9th Nissan (April 1st), when the Yeshiva Ketana bochurim together with the hanhola baked Matzos once again at the Adass Yisroel Matza Bakery.

Tours were also given to families from the community by R’ Yosef Chaim Holzer. Fathers and sons watched all the processes of Matza Baking, from the water and flour through to the velgering, finishing, baking and sorting. For many this was the first time they were witnessing the baking of Matzos.

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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