Who Broke into the Office of Bnei Brak’s Deputy Mayor?

Bnei Brak Deputy Mayor Rav  Avraham Rubinstein received a phone call early Sunday morning, 9 Nissan 5772, informing him that someone broke into his City Hall office and made a mess of things. Police suspect the vandalism attack occurred on Shabbos. The deputy mayor believes this was not a burglary, but a deliberate vandalism attack.

Officials report when the Deputy Mayor arrived he saw vandalism and destruction. Police crime scene investigators were summoned in the hope of gathering clues from the crime scene that will lead to the apprehension of the responsible persons.

The rav maintains a high ranking in Degel HaTorah, and he is known to be very close to gedolei yisrael shlita. When questioned by Kikar Shabbat, he stated “This is not stam a break-in, but destruction for the purpose of destruction. They broke a wall that separates between my office and others. I simply haven’t a clue who would do this”.

The rav did state there may be a connection to his active role in Kimcha D’Pischa, perhaps the thieves were seeking monies collected for yomtov. He added that it is possible, but he believes most unlikely.

When asked if it could be an angry colleague, he stated “I don’t have enemies in City Hall. I simply don’t have a clue wd ho would do this”.

Police are investigating.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. I sure hope he doesn’t leave Tzeddaka money just lying around for any ganav to steal by breaking into his office.

  2. I met the rav on a recent flight into the US. he is a great man. I did not even know who he was until right before we landed he gave me his card and invited me to come for a shabbos. When I asked why he didnt tell me who he was earlier, he responded” That is not who i am, I am a rosh kollel of a kollel with 400 avreichem. Being Deputy Mayor is tercha ditzibbur, that i don’t need to tell people.” He is a real anav.
    Whoever could do such a thing to such a great man is truly a low-life.

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