Rabbi Avraham Yosef Shlita: Ashkenazi Who Sells Kitnios Is A ‘Bor Am Haaretz’

A pre-Pesach kenos was held on Thursday, 6 Nissan 5772 in the Heichal Binyamin Shul in Ra’anana with Rabbi Avraham Yosef Shlita responding to questions pertaining to yomtov. The rav, who is the chief rabbi of Holon, responded to questions regarding kitnios. He explained that “an Ashkenazi who sells kitnios to a goy is a “Bor Am Haaretz”.

The rav also spoke on against hechsherim who he feels mislead the tzibur into believing there is a need for hashgacha on Pesach for paper goods and cleaning products. He explained such a practice has no roots in Halacha and it is simply incorrect and there was no justification for taking money from the tzibur for certifying such products.

Other rabbonim taking part in the event included Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau (Chief Rabbi of Tel Aviv), Rabbi Yitzchak Peretz (Chief Rabbi of Ra’anana), Rabbi Eliezer Melamed (Rav of Har Bracha) and Rabbi Yaakov Shapira (Rosh Yeshiva, Merkaz HaRav).

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

21 Responses

  1. Rav Yosef is wrong on several counts:

    1.Open cans / bottles are always sold even those
    certified Kosher L’Pesach.

    2.If not certified by a reliable Sefardi Rav, it
    could contain Chametz ingredients less than what is
    legally requred to be listed, but for various reason
    are not Botul.

    3.Ashkenazim must put it away where it shouldn’t be
    used, which is usually a Sold cabinet or pantry.

    The Yosefs have an old “Minhag” of Ashkenazi bashing,including the Holy Remoh ZY”A. So, nothing is new under the sun.

  2. Your lead quotation was on selling something that is clearly kitniyous to a goy, along with selling hametz. Actually, the general minhag is to isolate the hametzdik foods and sell them without regard to whether one actually has to sell an individual item, since it is too much work to sort and we prefer to use only items that have been approved for Pesach and purchased specifically for Pesach. Better to sell everything you don’t need than to risk missing some actual hametz. Easier to sell the storage unit with hametz’dik stuff in it than to go through each item and check. Typically one is selling “all hametz in my possession” and I’ve never heard of anyone selling “all kitniyos in my possession.” No one sells kitniyos to a goy (rather one sells the groceries, which probably include kitniyos).

    The text of the article, however, discussed kitniyos and paper plates. If one holds by the prohibition of kitniyos, and if in a given country paper plates are made using kitniyos, then not using paper plates makes sense unless they have a Pesach’dik hecksher. Given the wide spread use in manufacturing of chemicals from grains (including wheat which is hametz, and corn which is kitniyos), some caution is reasonable. It is possible that in Eretz Yisrael manufacturers take this into account and avoid using chemicals that would be a problem for Pesach.

  3. With all due respect to Rav Yosef, Ashkenazi boor amaratzim will not sell their kitniyos . If they do sell their chometz, they are not clever enough to use anything but the standard Askshtar shtar mechirah, which doesn’t mention kitniyos at all.

    And, besides, kitniyos are muttar behana’ah, even for Ashkenazim. Like my Rav says, “you can wear a startched shirt on Pesach, just don’t suck on the lapels.”

  4. To bklynmom, you are an Apikoras, do tshuvah before it’s too late.

    To Rav Yosef shlita, the Manufacturers don’t take money from the tzibur for pesach certification, the Manfucterers want to Sell ther products to the tzibur and they know that a large part of the tzibur will Not Buy their products for pesach without Pesach certification

  5. Simon01, that is incorrect as Sfardim do not require dish soap to have a hechsher doing the year. I cannot comment on pesach though but I would imagine it is not required either for the same reason they don’t require it during the year.

  6. Wow, I can’t believe I’m accually reading this. I challange anyone to go to accually rav and ask them if the contract that have to sell their chometz includes the accually pots pans and kitnios, or if it simply sells the cometz that is in the pots or in the kitnios.

  7. #4 i guess he was talking to you because soap,makeup,tooth paste,mouthwash,etc.. never needs a hechsher not pesach not all year

  8. sane conservative-That can be lashon hara. They never spoke against the Rama. Rabbi lau Former Askenazic Rabbi was also there and trust me he dosent sell kitniyos. Almost every posek holds a Askenazi dosent need to sell his Kitniyos. Watch how you talk about great people!

  9. #4 if u try to defend ur comments we will all know what kind of A H you are. It never needs hasggacha realy,its a frumkeit thing . R’ Yosef is saying if u think u have to sell kitnios ur a BOOOR GAMUR

  10. #2 insane conservative jew R’ yosef is not wrong ur a cert. AH b/c ur conservative only a few dinim .The Sefardim only bash when people make dough out of the weakniss of ultra frum yidden .Hes 100% corect ,and YOU to criticise a TCH, u who knows very little, u got more nerve than brain.

  11. Good point, Akuperma. I just want to point out one thing that people sometimes overlook: kitniyos may not be eaten by Ashkenazim, and may not be deliberately added to food, but there is no need to worry about it accidentally falling into food. If it does so, it is automatically batel. Therefore if one has paper plates that one has somehow verified have no chametz on them, but there might be kitniyos, then there is no need to avoid using them; even if some tiny particle of kitniyos somehow gets into the food it will be batel. Furthermore, if one is expecting Sefardi guests one may have kitniyos in the house to offer them. And this year in Eretz Yisroel, where the last day of Pesach is Erev Shabbos, one may take the kitniyos (that one has not sold) out of the chometz cupboard (which one has sold or leased) and cook it on Erev Shabbos (with an eruv tavshilin) to eat on Shabbos. (The excuse one usually relies on is that if guests should suddenly arrive ten minutes before shabbos, one will have something to serve them. Those hypothetical guests could well be Sefardim, so one may cook kitniyos for them.)

  12. Realy, if an ashkenazi rav had bashed an entire sfardi tzibbur and called them am aratzim, the backlash wouldve started already.

  13. He said the truth.

    In my kitchen the kitniyos remain where they are, wherever they may, I just don’t use them. Maybe out of convenience I’ll put them somewhere away since I don’t use them anyway. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with having kitniyos in the closet where they always are. Kitniyos are NOT chometz.

    Soap, tooth paste, and mouth water etc do not need a hechsher for pesach.

    In Knei Bosem from Rav Meir Brandsdorfer זצוק”ל he clearly writes that such things do NOT need to be kosher lepesach. If it’s not raui la’achilas kelev, it does not need to be kosher lepesach. Dogs don’t eat tooth paste or kitchen soap, do they? Thus, I laugh at those who throw out their toothpaste and buy new “kosher lepesach” toothpaste while the previous one isn’t empty yet. There is absolutely no need for that.

    (Disclaimer: I do not ch”v use kitniyos (on Pesach) and I have no affiliation with the loonies who think all Ashkenazi customs should be thrown out of the window for some reason.)

  14. Listen, many rabbis say all sorts of things. Just because this rabbi feels this way, so what? Hes entitled to his opinion. Hes not going to change anyone elses mind anyways. There are 1000s of rabbis, and hes just one of them.

  15. #2 and #16. Please be aware of the way you speak about Gedolim. It is kfirus befarhesia.
    YWN please do not print such news articles which can lead to some amaratzim to make such inappropriate comments about Gedolim and give them a “pischon peh” It really devalues your news reporting.

  16. “If it’s not raui la’achilas kelev, it does not need to be kosher lepesach. Dogs don’t eat tooth paste or kitchen soap, do they? ”

    Actually they do. But RYBS said “vos veis a hunt?” Dogs are too stupid to know what is fit for them to eat and what isn’t.

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