Father Of French Terrorist Asks Why Police Had To Kill Him

The father of the Muslim gunman who attacked French soldiers and a Jewish school says he wants to know why special forces killed his son rather than knock him out with gas and “take him like a baby.”

In a brief interview aired on Tuesday by France 24 TV, Mohamed Benalel Merah asked why a “strong country” with options killed him instead of capturing him.

Mohamed Merah, 23, killed seven people. Police killed him after a 32-hour standoff at his Toulouse apartment. Authorities have said Merah had fired volleys at them.

Merah’s father, who lives in Algeria, said he should have been taken alive and judged.

He asked: “Why did they kill him? … They could have used gas, for example to take him like a baby.”

Merah reportedly wants to file a complaint for his son’s death.

(Source: ABC)

13 Responses

  1. Good for him let him grieve. Everyone else in the world is on board with the way the police handled it as they should be. He was a terrorist, Hashem will judge him.

  2. “Merah’s father, who lives in Algeria, said he should have been taken alive and judged.”

    The one very slight nechama after this horrific, heart-breaking incident, is that this piece of zevel HAS been judged, and is burning in gehenom for all eternity!

  3. To address the ignorance of the preceding comments:

    So the French could do whatever they want to a terrorist?…..What happens when they want to do whatever they want to a Jew?!?!

    If the French authorities did not follow protocol and law, then the father may have a valid claim, terrorist son or not.

  4. i actually have the same question…i cried over these kids…but i also would want to know more…why no gas?

  5. I’m surprised he’s not proud of Junior for dying for the “cause” (The cause being killing innocent Yidden). What a piece of work.

  6. #8, he is proud. He’s giving his son a hero’s funeral. I want to know why the French shipped him the body. They should have just burned it and dumped the ashes down the sewer.

  7. By the way, this terrorist was in US Army custody in 2010, after he was captured in Afghanistan! Since he was a French citizen he was handed over to the French, who released him.

  8. to #7 and others…

    They DID use gas.

    That’s why he jumped out of the window (still shooting).

    and to “Machal Man” who says…
    “So the French could do whatever they want to a terrorist?…..What happens when they want to do whatever they want to a Jew?!?!

    YES, they CAN do whatever they want to a terrorist. And if, chalila, a Jew did what this pereh/adam did, then yes, they could do whatever they want to him too.

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