Revenge! Community Board Leaders Will Refuse Vote on Yidel Perlstein Tonight!

YWN has just learned that the current leadership of Brooklyn’s Community Board 12 intends on refusing a vote tonight and may even seek to throw Yidel Perlstein off the board as retaliation for his historic run for Chairman of the board. “The Chairman and District Manager are fuming mad that the Chairman’s authority is being challenged and have decided to not allow a vote even though that is against the board’s rules,” said our inside source.

Yidel Perlstein has been working overtime to build a broad coalition of support to reform the community board and multiple sources believe that he has a clear majority of the vote. That may be why we’re being told that the current board leadership will refuse a vote and seek to disqualify Yidel.

“I’m running for Chairman because I believe that by working together with every segment of the Community Board we can bring about much needed reform. I am proud to have the support not just of my Boro Park colleagues but also of my colleagues in the Bensonhurst, Midwood and, of course, Kensington neighborhoods,” Perlstein told YWN exclusively. “If I am successful it will be the end of pitting communities and religious groups against each other and a new beginning of mutual cooperation for the benefit of all communities.”

Sources say that denying a vote is illegal and Mr. Perlstein and his supporters may be left with no choice but to go to court to ensure that community board members are not disenfranchised.

Will they vote or won’t they vote? Find out tonight by attending the meeting at AMICO Senior Center – 5901 13th Avenue. The entrance is on 59th Street off the corner of 13th Avenue on the 3rd Floor. The meeting begins at 7pm SHARP.

Keep your browser pointed to YWN for all the latest on tonight’s important election of a chairman for Community Board 12.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

10 Responses

  1. This is not surprising. There was no way the Jewish establishment was going to let a reformer like Yidel win the chairmanship and work collaboratively with other communities.

    We need to come out in force and send a message that we support reformers like Yidel Perlstein. I will be there tonight. I hope you are too!

  2. I have known Yidel my who life. He has always worked on behalf of the community without regard to “politics.” I knew this was too good to be true.

  3. Its kinda sick that the board leadership is running around saying that Yidel should not be supported because he will work with the “goyim”. That is a massive chillul hashem. Yidel is a man of integrity and will work with everyone to make things better.

    Does ANYONE even know what the Community Board does? Exactly. VOTE YIDEL PERLSTEIN! Fix the community board!

  4. Yidel Perlstein is a world class askan and his is completely leshaim shomayim. It’s amazing EVEN David Greenfield & Dov Hiking agreed to support him because he is the right guy but the community board leadership won’t even allow a vote?


  5. this community board is a real joke. its high time we get a normal person in there.
    i never went before, but i will be there tonight.
    people should o and demand a vote.

    what a scam.

  6. Can someone please post the name and phone numbers of the people on the Board currently so we can call them up, and “nicely” tell them what we want to happen tonight?

  7. As a board member I am very excited to be just minutes away from having R’ Yidel taking control of this CB. Yidel reached out to “all” people serving on the board, no matter what religion or backround they are from. Yidel always works well with all people.
    Enough is enough….
    Mr. Perlstien,
    Thank you for braving the heat and going against all odds and showing the “establishment” that they do not rule this board.

  8. I assume that the bi laws of CB 12 mandate an election during March and set forth who is qualified to run. All Board members are eligible to vote in an election, but not on zoning matters etc in which they have a personal conflict or interest. I assume that there will be staff from the Mayors Office of Community Assistance and the Borough President’s Office to monitor the election.

    Interesting to see all the comments by people who are unfamiliar with the role of a Community Board.

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