New Details Deepen Trayvon Martin Controversy

New information is putting a new twist on the Trayvon Martin case.

It has come out that the unarmed teenager was suspended from school, and is accused of beating up the man who then shot him dead.

Martin’s parents claim authorities are now trying to sully their son’s reputation, after his tragic shooting.

There were several protests Monday in Sanford, where Martin, 17, was shot by George Zimmerman.

State and federal investigators were to be back at it Tuesday, reviewing the original controversial police investigation that’s sparked a firestorm.

The central questions remains: Was the decision not to arrest Zimmerman the right one, and should he be arrested now?

Chanting “no justice, no peace,” demonstrators marched through downtown Sanford and presented city commissioners with petitions, signed by 2 million people, demanding Zimmerman’s arrest.

The crime watch captain says he shot Martin in self-defense, but the teen’s father, Tracy Martin, wants Zimmerman in jail. “We’re not asking for an eye for an eye,” he told one crowd. “We’re asking for justice, justice, justice!”

Martin’s parents also found themselves on the defensive for the first time since the shooting.

Revelations surfaced that the teen’s high school had suspended him three times for offenses including vandalism, truancy and tardiness, and, at the time of his death, he was in the midst a two-week suspension for a baggie containing marijuana residue found in his book bag.

The family reacted angrily, accusing Sanford police of maligning their son.

His mother, Sybrina Fulton, said, “They’ve killed my son, and now they’re trying to kill his reputation.”

Sanford police have confirmed that investigators believe Martin decked Zimmerman with a single punch and bashed his head against the sidewalk. Zimmerman then fired his nine millimeter.

But Trayvon’s killing has launched waves of protest.

In Los Angeles, several hundred people, many wearing hoodies, as Trayvon was when he was shot, marched during rush hour demanding answers.

State and federal authorities, including Florida State Attorney General Pam Bondi, say their review will take time, and pleaded for patience. “What we do know,” said Bondi, “is a 17 year-old boy was walking home and now he’s dead. And when you have questions like that, they need to be answered.”

Trayvon’s parents were to leave for Washington Tuesday and a congressional hearing. Its focus: neighborhood watch groups, racial profiling, and Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law – the one Zimmerman apparently felt gave him the right to shoot Trayvon in what he claims was self-defense.

(Source: CBS News)

27 Responses

  1. They used to lynch blacks in the south and now than want to lynch a hispanic without out know what happening. All this hate mongers such as Al hate Sharpton and Farrakan should be locked up. First find the facts. If the one who fired the gun is guilty or there is reasonable cause than try him but
    this boy is not as innocent as they are betraying him.

  2. The only picture we are shown is one of a cute 12 year old boy, were are the pictures of him as a huge 17 year old man? You people on here calling zimmerman a murderer from the begining should be ashamed of yourselves you just bought into the race bating of the liberal media, how can anyone jump to conclusions before they know what happened? why would anyone by into a story that someone without a prior record just went and shot someone because he was black? are you people that naive?! law abiding gun owners in this country are some of the best, morale, self restrained people this country has to offer. And for a religious jew to by into “Rev”racist Jackson’s racism is just shameful

  3. obama has a white mother and black father is considered black.
    Zimmerman has a white father and hispanic mother is considered white. does this make sense?
    granted that some news outlets are calling him a “white hispanic”. is anyone calling obama a “white black”? just wondering.
    This was a sad nonracial shooting.

  4. The media is playing both sides over here and people are buying into what they want to believe. Yes the media is showing pictures of him as a cute kid but on the other hand everyone keeps focusing on his suspensions which have nothing to do with the case at all.
    IMO it seems like this guy was wreckless for following him with a gun after he was told by the police not to…however we wont know until all the facts come out and the trial happens

  5. The mother is whining that we are now trying to kill his reputation. Frankly, her son killed his own reputation with his behavior and actions. And Sharpton should be locked up (at the very least) for incitement. He’s nothing but a big mouth, fat buffoon.

  6. “It has come out that the unarmed teenager was suspended from school, and is accused of beating up the man who then shot him dead.” What does one have to do with the other? He’s a kid, and getting suspended from school doesn’t mean anything. Here I’d be suspended for using profanity in school; it doesn’t make me a delinquent. They’re right in their complaint that authorities are using his school behavior to sanitize this killing.

  7. where were the police when the shooting happened? they were called by zimmerman, why didnt they come? maybe thats why they have neighborhood watch groups? cause the police are busy eating donuts?

  8. Seriously. Last week I was attacked on YwN because I said everyone is jumping to conclusions and assuming this boy/man was an angel and automatically assumin the worst of Zimmerman. I didn’t say anything negative about treyvon buy I said everyone stop goin crazy. Now look. Sean Hannity called it from the beginning saying dont just I conclusions just wait something seems off and mores facts will come out. Zimmerman tutored minorities in his free time, he is a minority, y’all jumped on him like he was a terrorist.

  9. Evidence (including an eye-witness account) that the shooting was a justifiable act of self-defense has been publicly available since last week.
    It doesn’t make for a good story so the general news sources such as AP and Reuters and the various other local and national news media have ignored it until now.

    If the media was concerned with the truth, the headlines would read something like, “Zimmerman Shot Trayvon After Beaten Within an Inch of His Life”.

  10. Boys & girls, keep in mind this happened a MONTH ago. There’s a reason Zimmerman wasn’t charged!!!!

    And as Obama’s galach says, the “chickens are coming home to roost!”

  11. so suddenly everyone here is saying that zimmerman is innocent just because trayvon was black if it was a jewish boy chas vasholom you would have all said he is definetly guilty(zimmerman)

  12. Umm what are you talking about? Most people (not me) have been saying he is guilty but now we have more evidence. The color of anyone’s skin makes no difference. The facts do though. The liberal media, sharpton, Jesse Jackson who btw tweeted Zimmermans home address, are ruining and dividing this country.

  13. “IMO it seems like this guy was wreckless for following him with a gun after he was told by the police not to”

    He was NOT told by the police not to follow him. What authority would the police have to tell anyone that? It’s a free country, and he had the right to follow anyone he liked. The 911 operator merely told him that he didn’t HAVE to follow Martin. He chose to do so anyway, rather than let him break into an apartment or whatever he was up to. That’s not being “wreckless” (sic), it’s being responsible, it’s being a good citizen.

    In any case, so what if it was reckless? Since when is that a crime?

  14. “Here I’d be suspended for using profanity in school; it doesn’t make me a delinquent.”

    Well he wasn’t in your school, was he? To get a 10-day suspension from a high-crime school like that, he’d have to had done something really bad.

  15. What YK91? No one said he was innocent, only that we are saying let’s wait for the facts before we kill someone, which is what some of these groups have stated. There are thousands in the street asking for “justice” for a man named Zimmerman. Is it not a tad disconcerting that people want to kill him, openly say so, seem to find no serious opponents of their tone in the media, and are not being prosecuted for threatening someones life?

    I for one have something I am wondering about this case. I would like to point out that I am not sure what happened (as with anyone), will wait to make a judgement, and finally think racial baiting is a bad thing no matter the circumstances. As Jews, we know human emotions are never wise to unleash even for seemingly a just cause.

    Ok so I was wondering the following,
    If you were being beat up while laying bloodied on a sidewalk, and you had a weapon, what would you be thinking? It would be as follows according to news reports: “I think due to the recent passing of the “Stand your ground” law that I have a right to shoot this individual that is beating me up. Let me just review section 2, code 7 of the provision, subsection a2. Yes I have a right.” Boom. Does anyone find this line of reasoning suspect? If someone, G-d forbid, was in a case of life or death would a law effect one’s choice, rather dying than being prosecuted?

    Ki Teima (you might argue) No, it was the fact he confronted him that was done due to his confidence in being able to shoot him if things got out of control.

    Really? A man put himself in a situation that he could be killed because he could use self defense?

    I am THINKING [don’t know for sure] (though it remains shady the exact details) this situation is of a man that made a bad choice (how bad is up for research) and was faced with circumstances due to his poor choice (unforeseeable or not) that had nothing to do with the stand your ground law.

    This case is very potent and hopefully will be handled with grace, justice, and reasonableness. G-d willing.


    As an add on: there are allegations [not sure of their accuracy] that the Mr. Martin was accused of doing things that would shed light perhaps on this case. A suspension for drugs has nothing to do with this case though nor does being truant.

  16. YK91,

    “Suddenly?!?!” As soon as not too sharpton ym’sh got involved, I had a feeling the brutha was guilty as sin.

  17. “A suspension for drugs has nothing to do with this case”

    Of course it does. Zimmerman told the police that the person he was worried about looked like he was on drugs. Also, a kid with drugs must have a source of income to buy them with; they’re not cheap. So that lends more credence to the obvious suspicion about why he was lurking around that building in the first place.

  18. millhouse- so i guess he was perfectly innocent to follow someone with a gun because he “looked shady”….enough that this kid called his GF to say someones following me. If i was in his situation i would also be scared and would fight the guy who was following me.
    Its obviously an unfortunate case, but just because someone looks shady doesnt mean they should be followed by a CIVILIAN with a gun.
    Im not saying zimmerman was guilty, we’ll let the law decide that, but he put himself in a situation he should not have been and this kid did NOT deserve to die

  19. millhouse- why do you assume he was going “”let him break into an apartment or whatever he was up to””
    on what are you basing he was about to commit a crime???

  20. Yes, he had every right to follow a suspicious person lurking around the building. That’s what neighbourhood watch does. It’s a free country, you have the right to follow someone, and if someone is following you you have no right to hit them. What difference does it make whether he’s a civilian or a policeman? Do you think policemen have special privileges in this country?

    And if he was not about to commit a crime, what do you think he was doing there?

  21. Zimmerman saw the kid, called 911, was told to stay in his car, disregarded the dispatcher’s instruction and followed the kid, ended up in an altercation with the kid (who was in the neighborhood because his father lives there) and then shot the kid. If Zimmerman had listened to the cops and “stood his ground” nothing would have happened.

    The assumption that a black kid had no legitimate business in the neighborhood is a piece of racist garbage.

    Law enforcement botched this big time. They did not HAVE TO accept the self-defense claim – that’s why we have trials, to sort out the facts. Jeb Bush, the governor who signed the “stand your ground” law, said “This law does not apply to this particular circumstance. Stand your ground means stand your ground. It doesn’t mean chase after somebody who’s turned their back.”

  22. YES policemen have special privelages was that a serious question. By designating them our law enforcement we give them the RIGHT to apprehend criminals and even suspects of suspicious activity. That’s a big part of their job- to protect us. This guy was not a cop, he was an overzealous community watchman.

    Do you automatically assume he was gonna commit a crime because he didn’t look like he belonged there, basically you are assuming he was engaging in criminal activity without any facts at all supporting your evidence…I hope nobody confronts a jewish kid in a non-jewish becaue he looks out of place….

  23. “was told to stay in his car, disregarded the dispatcher’s instruction”

    First of all, the dispatcher did not tell or instruct him to stay in the car. What right would he or she have to give anyone orders? Do you think 911 operators have some kind of authority to order people around?! The operator merely informed him that he didn’t have to follow the kid. So what? We know he didn’t have to; he volunteered to do so. How is that relevant?

    “The assumption that a black kid had no legitimate business in the neighborhood is a piece of racist garbage.”

    You tell me what business he had there. He did not live there, and he wasn’t on the sidewalk but up among the buildings, so he wasn’t just on his way to or from somewhere. And there is no 7/11 anywhere near the place.

    “They did not HAVE TO accept the self-defense claim ”

    Of course they did. Without probable cause to believe that he committed a crime how could they arrest him?

    “that’s why we have trials, to sort out the facts”

    And a person can only be subjected to the ordeal of a trial if a prima facie case is found against him first. Without that we do NOT have trials. Not in this country or any free country.

    “YES policemen have special privelages”

    No, they do not. Not in any free country. Countries where they do are called police states. Protecting ourselves from crime is first of all the responsibility of every citizen. That’s what the second amendment is for. The police exist only as a backup.

    I assume he was about to commit a crime because he fits the profile for a criminal, and because there doesn’t seem to be any other reason why he would be there. There has been a string of burglaries in that complex, so it’s natural that Mr Zimmerman was suspicious, as any normal person would be.

  24. your argument is based on an awful lot of assumptions…stick to the facts please

    if you want to assume things, maybe he was trying to lose the guy who was stalking him???

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