Remembering the Park Hotel Terror Attack

Today, March 27, 2012 marks the 10th anniversary (English calendar) of the suicide bombing attack in Netanya’s Park Hotel. 30 people perished in the attack HY”D, which occurred during the Pesach Seder. Over 140 people were injured, with 46 listed in serious condition.

Some 250 people were taking part in Pesach seder when the terrorist entered dressed as a woman, carrying a suitcase which was packed with explosives. The terrorist managed to get past security and enter the dining hall, then detonating the powerful explosive device.

The wave of deadly Arab terror attacks led to the IDF’s Operation Defense Shield, a widespread operation to root out the terrorist infrastructure in PA (Palestinian Authority) areas. The operation was ordered by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. 110 Israelis were murdered in terror attacks in March 2002 alone.

Operation Defensive Shield began on March 29, 2002 when IDF forces entered Ramallah and placed Yasser Arafat under siege in his Mukata complex. Troops also operated in Tulkarem, Kalkilye, Beit Lechem, Shechem and Jenin. The focus of the operation and the most difficult fighting took place in Jenin. 23 soldiers fell in the line of duty during the fighting in Jenin HY”D.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


3 Responses

  1. I thought YWN was a Jewish News Outlet with Jewish dates, the Seder night is the night to commemorate this 10th anniversary of terror. Di we leave Egypt and become a nation on March 23rd or the 15th of Nisan???

    Well in this case it cannot be reminded and commemorated on the Hebrew date, since we hope that night you’ll be doing other things then what you’re doing right now…

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