Mayor Bloomberg To Park Slope Food Co-Op: Don’t Ban Products Made In Israel In Tuesday Vote

Mayor Bloomberg Monday joined the opposition to the Park Slope Food Co-Op’s proposed ban on products imported from Israel.

“We should be encouraging Israel to have more business with us, and us with them — not discouraging it,” the mayor said at an unrelated event in Brooklyn.

The fight over the popular food co-op’s proposal has spanned three years but come to a head in recent days, with a preliminary vote among the group’s 16,000 members scheduled for Tuesday.

A faction within the membership of the organic-food haven wants to enact the prohibition, prompted in part by a larger lobbying movement against Israel.

The group behind the concept wishes to make a statement that Israel should leave the occupied territories and give equal rights to Palestinians.

“I think it has nothing to do with the food,” Hizzoner said. “There are people who want Israel to be torn apart and everybody to be massacred, and America is not going to let that happen.”


9 Responses

  1. I am assuming that the store sells products from countries all over the world with wonderful Human rights records. That would be China, Turkey, and many Arab countries. What a sham! What a joke! I would hope that if they boycott Israeli products, all people will turn around and boycott the entire store!

  2. bz_in_la, you cant be serious! here’s what would happen if he were to become president
    1) national alternate side
    2) mail tax
    3) tax to pay tax
    4) voting tax
    5) tax on internet
    6) outlaw table salt
    7) outlaw soda
    8) interstate tolls at every state to state border

  3. #2 Good idea yet not feasible.
    Jews and Israel are the only entity that are misjudged, illegitimate and abused by all without rhyme or reason.

  4. There’s an email I’ve received many times about, how if you want to boycott Israeli products, you’d have to include your cellphone and lots of other devices we take for granted. All made and developed in Israel. I hope I still have a copy of it – I’d be glad to send it to the this commie-coop. And you all can do the same.

  5. Tonight is not a vote on the boycott, it’s a vote on whether to have a vote about the boycott. Hopefully it will be defeated tonight, so there will never even be a vote on the boycott itself. But if it comes to a vote, then the co-op managers will surely work to defeat it, because they know that if it passes the co-op will lose at least 2000 members.

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