Flatbush Shomrim Issues Pre-Pesach Safety Tips Regarding ‘Cleaning Lady Help’

With the stress of Pesach cleaning, many have a tendency to hire outside cleaning help. Very often the cleaning help turns out to become more aggravation than easing the Yom Tov preparation. Too many instances occur with the Yom Tov rush where cleaning help cleans out more than just what he/she is supposed to. Please be extra cautious with your cleaning and handy help no matter how trust worthy you believe they are.

DO NOT leave any valuables (jewelry, money, etc.) within reach or visible to your house help.

DO NOT trust your housekeeper under any circumstances, even though he/she may have been working for you for many years.

MAKE SURE all valuables are accounted for between the time your cleaning help arrives and the time he/she leaves. In most cases, the thieves will use a garbage bag to hide the valuables within disposables and will come back later to pick up their loot.

DECEPTION BURGLARIES / COLLECTORS may try to enter your home during the time you are most busy and when you are not paying full attention.

BE EXTRA VIGILANT when your cleaning help leaves that no window or door was unlocked by him/her. Pre-planned burglaries occur via doors or windows that were intentionally left unlocked.

The Flatbush Shomrim Safety Patrol urges you to pay close attention to these safety tips.

Prepare yourself now before it’s too late.

Flatbush Shomrim 24 hour emergency number 718-338-9797.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Although one cant be too careful whenever strangers are in the house, there is sometimes a hysteria, especially regarding cleaners, who have sometimes subsequently found to have been innocent after items have ‘gone missing’ and the cleaner is the easy target of accusation… until the items turn up weeks or months later down the couch or behind a closet etc.

    Remember: unless you have proof, you cannot be certain what has happened to any missing items. Even if the person you suspect is confronted and even accused, please bear in mind that on the (maybe small) chance that they are innocent, you could be making a tremendous chillul hashem to an innocent and faithful person who’s opinion of jews will be irrevocably ruined.

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