HORRIFIC TRAGEDY: Rechovot Blaze Claims Six Lives – All From One Family (11:00PM IL)

Six members of one family have perished in a blaze in a residence on Najara Street in the city. Firefighters broke into the home which was locked when they arrived. They found numerous injured people, all in critical condition, including 5 children and an adult. A Magen David Adom physician on the scene pronounced them dead after there was nothing more to be done to save them.

According to preliminary unconfirmed reports from the scene, the dead are a grandparent and five grandchildren, of a Yemenite Mishpacha. Firefighters are still operating at the scene at this time, searching for additional people in the burning building.

ZAKA is on the scene.

Further details will be published when available.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. it is a father and his 5 kids who were r”l killed
    the mother and granfather are alive W/ injuries.
    the father is the brother of the Deputy Mayor of Rechovot

  2. This type of tragedy typically brings calls for us do tshuvah, take on some new committment to self-improvement etc. which is always a great idea. However,installing fire detectors will do more to save lives than any amount of good deeds.

  3. to gadolhadorah:

    I’d just like to add to your comment:

    “If Hashem will not guard a city, its watchmen (will have) diligently watched over it in vain …” Tehillim (Psalms 127). No fire alarm will save anyone unless Hashem so wills it.

    The Jew knows and believes that Hashem deals with each of us according to his merits; furthermore, we believe that each good deed adds to our merits; not one gets lost.

    One of these good deeds is certainly installing fire detectors to protect oneself and one’s family; it’s not as though chas vechalilah there are two forces at work here: good deeds, with their merit in Hashem’s eyes, and the “power” of a fire alarm to protect us, as your comment might be take to imply.

    On the contrary, we know that the Ultimate Power which controls both the fire alarm, its protective capacities and failures, is the same Power who compiles and examines our personal “bank account” of merits. Both are One and only One, the Ribbono shel Olam, the Master of the World.

    Why did such a horrific tragedy take place? What merits did these six souls have or lack during this gilgul and all previous ones? The answer is obviously beyond us; it’s a test of our faith for now, but the answer will surely come, and with only two words, just as Yosef answered all of his brothers’ questions with only two words: “Ani Yosef — I am Joseph, your long-lost brother.”

    With those two words, everything fell into place, despite the long series of unfathomable events that led up to Yosef’s revealing his identity to his brothers.

    So, too, will we eventually understand it all, and feel with all our hearts that everything was just, and even good — as difficult as this is to imagine, from the way we see things right now. When? On the day when we hear the two words that will ring out throughout the world: “Ani Hashem — I am Hashem” — and we will understand just Who Hashem really is.

    For now, it’s a test for us, and what a test!

    May He who supervises and controls every aspect of our lives send comfort and consolation to this bereaved family. It seems beyond human comprehension how anyone can be comforted for such an immense loss, but Hashem has given us the mitzvah of nichum aveilim, and it is He, not we, who truly knows what man is capable of achieving. The Manufacturer knows His product better than anyone who tries to operate it.

    And may He speedily bring us to acquire the merits we need to see an end to all these trials and tribulations.

    Yes, buy a fire alarm, install it, keep it in good working order, and daven to Hashem that He make sure it works. And know that in doing so, you are adding to your merits by doing what Hashem wants you to do.

    May Klal Yisrael have only good news to share.

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