Rising Anti-Israeli Sentiment Ahead of Global March to Jerusalem; Neturei Karta’s ‘Weiss’ Backs Events

While Israeli security force brace for possible widespread Land Day violence, anti-Israeli protestors in Morocco on Monday, 3 Nissan 5772 set Israeli flags ablaze as they call on the masses to take part in the Global March to Jerusalem. They set Israeli flags ablaze while flying Palestinian flags.

he event is set for Land Day, March 30th, at which time they hope to break the borders of Israel from neighboring countries.

As a result of the anti-Israeli violence in Morocco, a member of Israel’s diplomatic corps, David Saranga was escorted out of the area where he was visiting, the daily Yediot Achronot reports.

Islamic activists hope to bring 100,000 supporters to crash Israel’s borders, with government officials in Jerusalem issuing warning that there will be a zero tolerance policy for anyone seeking to enter the country by crashing a border.

Not wishing to miss a media event, Neturei Karta officials have already expressed support for the march, with Yisrael Weiss announcing they back events that call for “an end of the occupation of Palestine”, which they add is “contrary to Hashem’s will”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Please do not call these _______ animals. That’s an insult to some very fine animals I’ve known who know the meaning of LOYALTY. Which includes loyalty even when their owners have to do things they don’t like (such as administering medicine).

  2. I really wish the Neturei Karta eiruv rav would vanish. Those misguided meshugoyim cause more trouble for us than we need.

  3. NK do not have Halocho privileges of authentic Jews. They are Halachically “Yotzo Michlal ‘Amiseicho'”.

    I Daven at an extremely right wing Shul, which has physically expelled a NK member, but has never expelled nor withheld an Aliyah laTorah to someone for having recited Hallel on Yom ha’Atzmaut

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