Dick Cheney Receives Heart Transplant

Former Vice President Dick Cheney received a heart transplant and is now recovering from the operation, his office disclosed Saturday, according to The Associated Press.

Cheney, 71, had been on a transplant waiting list for more than 20 months, and is now recovering in the Intensive Care Unit of Inova Fairfax Hospital in Falls Church, Va.

“Although the former vice president and his family do not know the identity of the donor, they will be forever grateful for this lifesaving gift,” Cheney aide Kara Ahern said in a statement, according to the news service.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney tweeted Saturday that he and his wife, Anne, “send our thoughts and prayers to Vice President Cheney for a full and fast recovery.”

The former vice president, who served from 2001-09, has had a long history of heart problems.


5 Responses

  1. Now that he has been given the transplant, we should hope he has a refuah shalamah (so the heart will not have gone to waste). I’m sure there will be some explaination as to how someone of his age and deteriorating health gets to the top of the Virginia transplant priority list (ahead of over 130 others on the list, most of whom are considerably younger and in better overall health). I’m sure political influence and money had no role whatsover in moving him to the top of the list.

  2. Apparently the priority system is very well insulated from any outside influence for VIPs. The key determinant is the compatibility factor of the heart that becomes available to the biological profile all the potential recipients which meant that Cheney simply got lucky. They will not transplant a heart into a much younger person on the donor list if that person has a materially higher liklilhood of rejection.

  3. SECRET to success in everything Hashems gives a person.

    a few examples. 1)use your hands to give tzedaka or help people etc… BUT not to hit people C”V

    2)use your ears to hear torah or to listen to davening BUT not to listen to lashon hara C”V

    3)use your money to serve hashem & support a family etc… BUT don’t use it to just party & forget that it ALL come from Hashem C”V

    BOTTOM LINE: everything is from Hashem be it it physical or spiritual & can be taken away instantly C”V if not used the right way, the choice is up to each person how to use everything Hashem gave & continues to give us


  4. And before you were not wishing him a refuah shleimah?! After all he did for us, we owe him that at least, whether before or after his transplant. And you’re right, I’m also sure that influence and money played no role in the decision. He spent 20 months on the waiting list, after all. Obviously he simply rose to the top. Why should younger and healthier people go before him? If they’re so healthy why do they need a transplant?

  5. 1. So as one who seems to like ObamaCare, if the person needing the transplant was your mommy and she got it DESPITE her age and frail condition, you would be against it?!?!?

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