Sharpton Promises More Protests Over FL Shooting

The Rev. Al Sharpton says activists are planning “a wave of civil disobedience” to protest the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Fla.

The civil rights leader told supporters on Saturday that organizers would hold a series of nonviolent protests calling for the arrest of the crime watch volunteer who confronted the unarmed black teenager because he thought he looked “suspicious,” and then shot him.

The shooter, George Zimmerman, claimed he acted in self defense.

Sharpton says it is important for the country to show “sustained indignation” about the death.

(Source: NBC New York)

7 Responses

  1. While I 100% agree with Reverend Sharpton that George Zimmerman’s has to be brought to justice, but Reverend Sharpton is currently an Onein pending his mothert’s interrement, and thereafter shall be in Shiva for his mother; So he should first arrange to have his mother buried.

  2. While I 100% agree with Reverend Sharpton that George Zimmerman’s has to be brought to justice, but Reverend Sharpton is currently an Onein pending his mothert’s interrement, and thereafter shall be in Shiva for his mother; So he should first arrange to have his mother buried.

  3. Al Slim Shady Not Too Sharpton ym’sh left NY the other day just as his momma croaked so he could get some free camera time rabble rousing in Florida. The man is evil & a disgrace to the human race!

  4. Sharpton couldn’t care less about the facts. The man says it was self-defense, and the police who first investigated it agreed and didn’t arrest him, so why shouldn’t we believe him? Why should he be brought to justice unless there is evidence that he did not shoot in self defense? Why does everyone assume this kid was some sort of malach? Because his mother says so?!

  5. Funny, if Sharpton had a son he would also look like Trayvon Martin…yet another similarity between the good Reverand and our Prez

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