PHOTOS: Friday Miracle In Monsey – Yeshiva Bus Explodes Minutes After Children Removed

A Munkatch Cheder (school) bus packed with children burst into flames, just moments after rescue personnel removed the children, Friday afternoon. reports that the driver was proceeding along his return route from school, taking the children home, when smoke started pouring out from under the hood. The driver stopped the bus on Decatur Avenue & Stephen Place, and began removing the children and called for assistance. The bus exploded seconds after the children were removed.


9 Responses

  1. Engine temperature light was probably hitting the ceiling, a overheated engine can explode. Broken fan belt and no water in radiator system….

  2. Wait for the bus company to do a full investigation. I drive for them and they keep the buses very well maintained.

  3. Chassedi hashem! After what happened in France earlier this week, its nice to read about a case where the Ebeshter stepped in and saved the lives of yiddeshe children.

  4. bklynmom; by saying what you just said, is showing that you have very little knowledge of the operation of an engine. Explosion can only be caused by FUEL, combustion of a mix of various substances together. Please folks, if you don’t know what you are talking about; keep you smart comments to yourself. Thank you.

  5. Reply to No. 5

    Hey shloime..bklynmom DOES know what she is talking about….a fuel tank can expolode if vapors build up and there is some malfunction such that a spark ignites the vapors. There are also rare explosions where a source of heat builds up under the tank or if there is a small leak of fuel from the tank that is ignited by the exhaust pipe etc.

  6. bklynmom do you drive a school bus? i do. until you sit behind the wheel of a vehicle carrying 72 children then stay out of it. you don’t want responsibility from what you are saying. start driving a school bus. when you’ve driven charters 3 and 4 hours away, done anywhere between 3 and 7 school bus routes back to back with no break, and your not given enough time to relax between because you can’t make your schools on time, then well talk. children in brooklyn no longer receive school bus transportation at 6th and 7th grade. we transport through 12th grade and later.

  7. Folks why all the great debate?…just give thanks that there were zero injuries and death, let the authorities determine the cause, which could be from any one of several areas on the bus.

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