Obama Weighs In On Florida Shooting Of Unarmed Black Teenager

President Obama weighed in Friday on the shooting of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin, calling it a national tragedy — and saying that the young man reminded him of his own children.

“When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids,” Obama said in Rose Garden remarks. “I think every parent in America should be able to understand why it is absolutely imperative that we investigate every aspect of this. And that everybody pull together.”

Obama has come under fire from some black leaders for failing to comment on a case that has become a major national story — and brought thousands of Americans into the streets for demonstrations calling for the arrest of Martin’s shooter. One black leader even wondered why Obama called a Georgetown student who was attacked by Rush Limbaugh, but not Martin’s family. Obama’s comments Friday represent the first time the president has addressed the growing controversy.

“But my main message is to the parents of Trayvon Martin. You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” Obama said. “All of us as Americans are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves.”

“Obviously this is a tragedy. I can only imagine what these parents are going through,” Obama said. “All of us have to do some soul searching to figure out how something like this has happened.”

The president was careful not to comment too extensively on an active investigation on both the federal and state levels, noting that as head of the executive branch, the Department of Justice reports to him. Earlier this week, under intense public pressure, the FBI and the DOJ joined the investigation into the Martin case.

Obama’s answer also reflects a departure from usual precedent. The president, who was ostensibly announcing the nomination of a new World Bank head, usually does not take shouted questions from reporters at the end of his prepared remarks — but today, he made an exception for the Martin case.

(Source: Politico)

13 Responses

  1. Yhis is an unwarranted intrusion into a local police situation, which is being handled through a local investigation. He is protecting hiselectoral base in the black community.

    Note that Mr. Zimmerman, who shot the teen, was bloody after the event. This suggests that the teen was not exactly an innocent “child” just walking through the gated neighborhood.

    The question is whether Zimmerman (a Hispanic, not a Jew, despite the name) was justified in shooting him. Obama wasn’t there that night, and he has no right to intervene in the situation on the side of the teenager, with the clear implication that he was an innocent victim.

  2. Did obama say anything about the 3 Jewish children who were gun down in France. he should say nothing but by opening his mouth he is showing his prejudice like in the Mass incendent

  3. Mr. President, its too bad you are only a community agitator in the likes of Al Slim Shady Sharpton ym’sh as well as nothing short of a ManChild acting “stupidly” not to mention quite immature because otherwise you would know what went on in FL doesn’t concern you in the least. You, just like you did with Cambridge, are sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong.

  4. Intellectual constructs for YITZCHOKY, Gog and deepthinker:

    1. A Yid can and should identify with another Jew who is attacked by a non-Jew;

    2. It is improper for a Black to identify with another Black who is attacked by a non-Black;

    3. Obama is an insensitive antisemite if he fails to address an attack on a Jew in Europe (BTW, YITZCHOKY..he spoke up beautifully in this case…try reading a newspaper;

    4. Politicians are expected to speak up against probable or possibe outbreaks of antisemitic violence…and if they don’t, their motives are ipso facto proven to be gainst us;

    5. Obama is pandering, expressing improper prejudice and interfering with law enforcement if he expresses any concern about an attack on a Black youth in Florida;

    6. Even a day after the local police chief steps aside pending an investigation, five days after police admit doing drug and alchohol tests on the body of the dead youth, but NOT on the shooter, even after the release of 911 and cell phone transcripts that seem to incriminate the shhooter…Obama has no right to address the case.

    You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

  5. To No. 3

    Yitzchoky….do you live in a cave with no TV reception, newspaper deliver or internet access. The President spoke out several times about the French shooting and did so in a clear and unqualified condemnation. Perhaps you and Mark Levin might get together and form your own “hate Obama” club and so you can share your simple-minded racial slurs and other meshugaas. At this time of sorrow, however, the rest of us are getting tired of your rants and no longer find you guys as welcome comic relief on an eruv shabbos.

  6. 6. I am very surprised you could even spell that word! What happened, did your mother have to spell it for you first?

  7. Why should Zimmerman have been tested for anything? What indication was there that he was on anything? What probable cause existed to subject him to testing? Ever heard of the fourth amendment?

    Obama is enflaming the lynch mob against Zimmerman, endangering his life. If anything happens to him, Obama will be at least partially at fault. Let him remember all the things he said after Giffords was shot. It is completely improper for him to intervene in such a case, where he doesn’t know the facts (because nobody knows them), and prejudice the public against a presumptively innocent person.

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