JUSTICE: Jahmell Crockam Gets Life In Prison For Lakewood Cop Killing

A 20-year-old New Jersey thug convicted of killing a Lakewood police officer has been sentenced to life in prison.

Jahmell Crockam appeared before a judge in Ocean County on Thursday.

Authorities say because Crockam was convicted of murdering Patrolman Christopher Matlosz, the law requires a life sentence without the possibility of parole.

Crockam, 20, was convicted on all charges in front of a Jury with a unanimous verdict on February 16.

TLS has exclusive photos taken in the courtroom.

(Eli Gefen – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. nitpicker…Professionally I been on the inside of NJ State Prison in Trenton, the facilioty where virtually all those on life/no parole sentences are inarcerated in New Jersey…if you think that’s not heavy duty punishment you’re simply very mistaken.

  2. I didn’t mean to imply that life in prison for anyone is not heavy duty punishment. for a 20 year old worse.
    in some places still worse.

    but it is still not right.

    nothing I can say here has not been said before, nothing can can reply has not been said before. so perhaps I shouldn’t have commented.

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