BREAKING: Fidler & Storobin Tied – Race To Be Decided In 2 Weeks [11:40PM EST]

YWN can exclusively report that with over 99% of the ballots counted tonight, Democrat City Councilman Lew Fidler and Republican lawyer David Storobin are in a virtual dead heat, in the special election for the Brooklyn State Senate seat District 27 in the New York State Senate, formerly held by Carl Kruger.

There are over 700 paper ballots that will have to be counted. By law they may not be opened for one week, however there will be legal challenges to those ballots which means the race will not be decided for approximately two weeks

The winner of the race will hold office until the end of the year, when the district will disappear as new political boundaries take effect.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

24 Responses

  1. Im happy to say I voted for Sorobin. I saw fidler outside on the voting place on Bedford ave and he seemed like a super humble and good genuine person.

    But I voted for Sorobin cause I almost always vote GOP.
    BTW – its not tied – Sorobin is up by 150 votes. Lew wont make it up in 700 votes. Unless something out of the ordinary happens, Sorobin 1, YWN – 0.

    Sorry David Greenfeild. Your constituents are turning away from the D party.

    ALso – Great job Dov Hikind

  2. If you were busy saying tehillim for one of the ailing gedolim today, you are excused from not doing a mitzvah….I mean voting against the chillul Hashem. How about we Jews go back to running things from behind the scenes instead of creating a bigger chillul Hashem by bashing one another. (Strobin/Fidler)

  3. I hope that Storobin wins by one vote. This way I can tell Lew Fidler that had he voted against the terms limits bill he would hav had my vote & would have forced a new election to decide the winner.

  4. I went to vote today (for the first time ever. (my first chance) and was frankly STUNNED by the voter turnout. I went to the public school at 5:30, and they told me “You are voter number 43.”

    I’m sorry, there are more than 43 people in the surrounding 5 blocks that can vote. People!


  5. i cant decide who i want should win, in 1 way i want filder to win so dov hikind gets a kick in the back & in 1 way i want storobin to win to david greenfeld shud get the msg that he does not control our vote…

    but how can jews vote for a pro-toiyava candidate filder ?

  6. IT is horrible what has been said about Lew Fidler. I have known him personally for years and know he is against same gender marrige. Also, the bills he allegedly voted for were bills in the assembly which had nothing to do with him, he couldnt even vote. Did anyone notice that on strobin’s law website he says how proud he is to have defended child molesters? Hows that for one of us? He has admitted to eating pig and does not keep shabbos!
    As someone who lived in israel for a few years, i can also tell you that unless you hear something from a gadols mouth, dont beleive it. The same way strobin’s supporters convinced the rabbanim fidler was pro toeyvah, i could have done the same to strobin. Its a shame that after everything Lew did for our communities, so many people just threw him under the bus. Im embarrassed to b associated with such people and proudly voted for Lew. If he wins, I will be at his party, and believe me, he will cut funding from all those who trashed him.

  7. Regardless of the outcome, this is major. It shows that the Turner win was not a fluke. It shows that the Orthodox community can no longer be counted on to sell its votes to the Democrats, trading money and patronage for our agreement to support positions that are totally alien to traditional Judaism (even if support of such positions is a core religious of the secular majority of Jewish politicians).

    It means, New York is “in play”.

  8. The message is clear…….We CAN not forget……..If you Voted ( or side with ) for Toiva you will NOT win next election in NY . Shelly too every one who voted to pass that bill we ( NY Jews ) will remember comes election time for you…you will be voted out one by one …you didnt listen to what we wanted and voted wrong on that bill ( fix what you did before next election if you really want to stay )

  9. YWN’s bias towards Fidler has been quite obvious in your slanted reporting. (Trying to be another NY Times?)

    Even in defeat it continues. Storobin and Fidler are NOT tied! Storobin is ahead by 120 votes. It is still undecided because absentee ballots have yet to be counted.

  10. ichbin,

    last night’s results are unofficial and inaccurate. after 20,000 votes were cast there are 1,000 votes still outstanding (absentees). Plus the machines need to be recounted. Hence YWN is accurate: for all practical purposes this is a tie and will be decided within the next two weeks.

    Thank you YWN for, once again, gioving us in-depth coverage that we can get nowhere else!

  11. “The winner of the race will hold office until the end of the year”

    So all this for a nine month term which includes the summer; big deal.

  12. #10 how can you support a candidate that will cut funding if they didnt support him. That means he is in it for himself and not the greater good.

  13. #16 – the big deal is that it shows we are now longer going to be taken advantage – we have escaped from the Democratic machine’s pocket — together with Turner’s win, this is probably the biggest event in American Jewish political history since we got the right to vote shortly vote 200 years ago

  14. How can it be that Fidler claims victory, while losing by 120 votes?

    Easy. This is a Democrat-controlled town, including the Board of elections. Stalin once said, famously:

    “I don”t care who votes, as long as I count the votes.”

    I predict that the Democrat Party officials will, mysteriously, suddenly “discover” 500 votes in a machine that they “forgot” to count!

  15. If Fidler loses he did it to himself, he know that his “five point plan” will probably not pass, because he would need to figure out how to fund it and if you do the math per yeshiva student, good luck….. However, Lew Fidler thinks that he’ll buy us off with $5,000 per yeshiva student, he didn’t think we would actually do the math!

  16. The issue is very real. These candidates need to know that if they favor toeva we will not elect them come election time. We warned them before they passed the bill. Now is payback time.

    One by one they will all fall for subjecting our great state to this bill. There are many who do care and will vote against toeiva candidates as was the case with the Turner win and now this election and many more to come…Ironically NY Will become a Republican State as a result of that bill

    Lastly …. Shelly was not up for re-election since he signed the bill…..

  17. #18, let me clarify. what i meant to say was i hope he cuts their funding. he is not in it for himself at all. much of what he did for the community he did before he was even a politician, because he felt it was the right thing to do. the fact that a bunch of rabbi’s said something is meaningless. R’ Schorr knows nothing of politics other than what his baal habatim tell him. I copuld easily have gone in to him first and said strobin is pro same gender marrige and he woulkd have come out against him. its sad the way people can manipulate our rabbanim today.

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