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TODAY – Special Election To Be Held For Brooklyn State Senate Seat

A special election is being held Tuesday for the Brooklyn State Senate seat District 27 in the New York State Senate, formerly held by Carl Kruger.

Democrat City Councilman Lew Fidler and Republican lawyer David Storobin are vying for the seat.

The winner will hold office until the end of the year, when the district will disappear as new political boundaries take effect.

Kruger resigned in December after pleading guilty to corruption charges in connection with a bribery scheme.

He faces nine to 11.25 years behind bars when sentenced on April 26.

(Source: NY1)

31 Responses

  1. another waste of tax and donors money. We haven’t had a state senator since Kruger resigned. What’s another couple of months of not having representation?

  2. I voted for David Storobin this morning because I wanted to send a message to Lew Fidler that we will not tolerate our Elected Officials taking away our right to vote. People may not remember that Lew Fidler voted to extend term limits so he & Mayor Mike Bloomberg could stay in office an extra four years. This was despite not once but twice that the Voters of New York City voted against it. If we continue to allow policticians by overulling the voters who is to say in a few years from now that Elected Officials won’t pass a law banning Jews from voting & paying a Judge of to rule it constitutional. Also I think Yeshivaworld is mistaken as I don’t think the 27 Senate District will be eliminated. There may be changes to the district though.

  3. I voted for Lew Fidler this morning because I wanted to send a message of THANKS to those politicians who support yeshivas. Yeshivas are the #1 issue to me. Nothing else.

  4. I plan to vote for the candidate who did not have the chutzpah to come to your shul on Shabbos and ask to address the tzibbur during davening. Lew Fidler has done a lot of good for our community and our mosdos over the years and will continue to do so if given the chance.

  5. State Senator Lew Fidler Has my vote. The Tovea Marriage bill passed in January by the help of Republican Leader Dean Skelos. So by voting for Lew im voting against Skelos and his corrupt supporters.

  6. The election is quite important. If, after Turner’s win, Storobin does well, it would be seen as evidence that Jews in general, and frum Jews in particular, are no longer committed liberal Democrats. Conventional wisdom has been that even the most Orthodox Jews are only interested in patronage and handouts, rather than principles – and a strong win by Fiddler would been as proof that the conventional wisdom is correct.

  7. i just came from voting and met quite like dozen from voters. not one, i repeat, not one is voting for storobin.

    they are disgusted with him running around and using shuls to preach his hotair, lying through hi teeth that he is a frum guy, and then backtracking on his filthy lies.

    he is a fraudster who lied through his teeth to get the frum vote.

    all he campaigned on is the gay marriage issue.

    no one has a clue what his plan as senator is. no one.

    all we know is the toeiva cool-aid is being poured dwn our throats faster then you can drink water on motzei yom kippur.

    this is vicious disgusting dirty lies that were sold to rabbonim, who nebach were used.

    glad everyone i saw was voting for boris storobin.,

  8. First time I ever posted a comment. Feel it’s needed to let everyone know that I just proudly voted for Lew Fidler.

    Just incredible how he has done millions of favors for Shmuel Lefkowitz, George Weinberger and the rest of the AGudah, and they threw him under the bus because of Toeiva.

    What Hippocrates.

    The Agdah’s biggest friends are Shelly Silver and the rest of the Toeiva’nicks in Albany.

    Utterly disgusting.

  9. Storobin is a mewchalel shabbos by campaigning on Shabbos, and all the SHuls which allowed him in there, are probably michalilei shabbos as well.

    Did anyone ask Rabbi Belskey this question?

    Get off my phone already.

    Vote Fidler.

  10. To the Moderator this post was a little different than the first one as I said that it’s worth to vote for Storobin who is not good as we can vote him out in November to make our point of not letting our Elected Officials get away with taking away our right to vote.

  11. The outrageous chillul HaShem, the blatant lack of emunas chachomim, and the public display of a lack of emunah in hashgachah pratis is horrifying. Manhigei HaDor, Roshei Yeshiva, poskim, and many Rabbonim have expressed a unified daas Torah that we must vote for the candidate who supports the ideals and morals of the Torah HaKedoshah. They have all certainly considered the obligation of hakoras tovah, of funding for Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs, etc. Parnassah comes from HKB”H (one of the things to which only He holds the keys) and believing otherwise is a serious concern. Gilui arayus, same-gender marriage, etc. are issues that are yehareig v’al yaavor. How can anyone consider standing up for someone who supports these “ideals”? Even though the law has been passed, his support, philosophically, speak volumes and cannot be ignored. It tells us where he stands and how he will vote when similar issues come up (e.g. Requiring this agenda be taught in our schools, requiring we hire a percentage of teachers who face these sorts of challenges in their lives, etc.).

    The Rabbis who are supporting Mr. Fiddler, besides being in the minority, have clearly not discussed the issue with the universally accepted gedolim and it would seem they are taking their cues from their ba’alei batim. Askonus is very praiseworthy; those who do so merit many berachos. But they must do so “be’emunah” – “kol me she’oskim b’tzarchei tzibur be’emunah.” Lev melachim b’yad HaShem. We must simply support the Torah and its ideals. The RSh”O will do the rest. It is simply not up to us.

  12. Storobin is a mechalel shabbos And Fidler is a shomer Shabbos? What about “shomer Shabbos” Weprin, who voted for redefinition of marriage gzeiroh (law).

  13. #14 – Fidler never claimed to be Shomer Shabbos, unlike Storobin who lied and said he is. That’s my point. The guy claims to be Shomer Shabbos, yet campaigned on shabbos being an outright mechalel shabbos, and the rabbonim either don;t know this, or are ignorning it.

    I will don Rav Belskey lechas Zechus, that he has no clue about this since he’s been in the hospital.

  14. “with the universally accepted gedolim”

    With all due respect, and I wish him a huge Refua Shelayima, but Rabbi Belskey is not exactly a “universally accepted gadol”….

    He is a Posek and Rosh Yeshiva, but is not universally accepted”.

    I would consider a “universally accepted gadol” to be Hagon Rav Dovid Feinstein SHlita, who is very close to shelly Silver, and doesn;t seem to mind that is responsible for Toeiva marriage.

    This has nothing to do with Toeiva.

    Hamayivin Yavin.

    HINT: Shmuel Lefkowitz and co.

  15. I personally know David, and he has never lied about any of his frumkeit. He is traditional, and yes, he does try to keep shabbos. Among his Russian community he is known as a Jewish leader both in frumkeit and values.

    Everyone is falling for Fidler’s last minute smears on an honest and worthy candidate! It’s about time we elected a Republican instead of these pompous Democrat politicians. Come on, everyone. We pulled off a Bob Turner, and we can do it again.

  16. Ho wcan you say that about Rav Yisroel Belsky as he might be the second posek of America behind R. Dovid Feinstein. Infact if you ask a Torah Vodaath Bochur he will tell you that Rav Belsky is the Posek of America. R. Belsky is a universally accepted Gadol. As far a Sheldon Silver is concerned R. Dovid Feinstein is my rebbi & I don’t know if he actually votes for Shelly Silver or not as the Rosh Hayeshiva doesn’t tell anyone who he votes for.

  17. #18 – The “universally accepted gedolim” don’t get involved in such garbage, like Rav Shlomo Miller, Rav Feivel Cohen, Rav Hillel David, Rav Dovid Cohen…

    And calm down with the “second posek of america….”

    Not to mention Rav Chaskel Roth, who has given more “Shimush” than anyone else alive today.

    Regarding Rav Dovid Feinstein, even if he doesn’t tell you whom he votes for, if he felt this was “TOEIVA” and no one knows the halachos better than him, then don’t you think he would do what Yehuda Levin does and kick and scream bloody murder all day long?

    Oh, maybe I’m right….

    Get with the program.

  18. To Hosef Jayon
    You would have to ask R. Dovid Feinstein yourself to see if you were allowed to vote for Lew Fidler eventough he supports Same Gender Marriage. I did not ask the Rosh Hayeshiva because I voted for Storobin for the reason I stated in post#2. The biggest poskim of America is Rav Dovid Feinstein, Rav Yisroel Belsky & Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky. There is no way of knowing which one of the three names I mentioned is the biggest as we are not in their heads.

  19. We shouldn’t even have an election. We should let the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah vote for all of us.

    After all, I saw this morning in Hamodia that Storobin had 35 rabbonim but Fidler “only” had 30 rabbonim supporting him. Though, Fidler’s rabbaonim were all from Brooklyn, Storobins were mostly from Monsey/Lakewood/Philly. So do they count? After all they don’t live in the district.

  20. #17)It’s about time we elected a Republican instead of these pompous Democrat politicians. Come on, everyone. We pulled off a Bob Turner, and we can do it again.

    Yeah, lets elect some guy who just came out of a CRACKER JACK BOX just because he is a Republican. Lets send a message, right! but when Fidler wins he’ll have a message for you.

  21. The Republican State Senate voted for redefination of marriage last year and there’s nothing Starobin or Fidler can do about it. It’s now the law.

    To campaign on this issue is to take the electorate to be fools. Sadly real issues were ignored.

  22. #20 – Your a real tipush.

    Rav Shmuel Kaminetsky is not a Posek. He is a rosh yeshiva, just like the other senior roshei yeshiva, Rav Chaim Epstein, Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel etc.

    No one in the world, including Rav Kaminetky’s children consider him a “posek”.

    He is a senior Rosh Yeshiva.

    Shows how out of touch you are from the olam hayeshivos.

    Just incredible.

  23. Eli51

    Since when does a “universally accepted godel” get judged by Yeshiva Torah Vodaath. Although it is an old institution, by far its one of the smaller ones in America. Therfore, although HaRav Belsky is Rosh Yeshiva in Torah Vodaath and although he may be a posek, it doesn’t make him uiversally accepted.

    Ex. Most of BP uses the Eiruv al pi horoas of other Rabbonim. This is just one example. If he were universally accepted….

    I don’t mean an pechisas Hakoavod to the Rosh Yeshiva, but please don’t make him what he isn’t. May he have a refuah Shleima B’karov!

  24. Eli51, Roshei Yeshiva are not necessarily poskim, and poskim are not necessarily roshei yeshiva, so please don’t lump it together!

  25. To aaym
    There was a time when Torah Vodaath was considered the biggest Yeshiva in America. Yes R. Yisroel Belsky is a well known posek @ least thats what I heard from many people.

  26. To Eli51,

    You are correct, There WAS a time, and yes he IS a WELL KNOWN posek, Now please read what “you wrote”….. “Universally accepted,” I responded “Therfore, although HaRav Belsky is Rosh Yeshiva in Torah Vodaath and although he may be a posek, it doesn’t make him universally accepted.”

    Bottom line “Universally accepted” and “well known” do not have the same meaning.

  27. I am sorry my original post was so “universally” misunderstood. Universally accepted DOES NOT mean everyone follows his p’sak. Universally accepted means everyone admits he is a Gadol B’Torah, a leader, one upon whom we can rely, a talmid chachom, etc. Was Shammai not universally accepted? I hope I have made this a bit more clear.

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