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Ministry of Education to Accept Chareidi Matriculation Exam

A Ministry of Education decision to accept a chareidi matriculation exam as valid towards earning a matriculation high school diploma is big news for close to 5,000 Beis Yaakov and other Chinuch Atzmai high school students.

This will now make the students of the Chinuch Atzmai high schools for girls eligible for higher education with a matriculation diploma in hand. The decision is also retroactive for all students who passed the Szold chareidi matriculation exam during the past decade. The exam does cover what is referred to as ‘core’ studies, mathematics, English and grammar.

Unlike in the state’s public school system, where about half the students fail the matriculation exam, in the chareidi girls’ high schools over 90% of those who take the exam pass.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. ABOUT TIME, the girls who pass these exams are bright, hard working and diligent at least or not on a higher level than others who pass the Bagrut.
    BH, now job options are available and professional doors can open up.

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