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Knesset Approves Sanctions for Recalcitrant Husbands

The Knesset has for the first time approved legislation that sets a time limit on granting a get after which sanctions may follow. The sanctions can include cancelling ones drivers license, prohibiting one from leaving the country and actual imprisonment.

MKs Otniel Schneller and Zevulun Orlev authored the bill that was voted into law in the hope of persuading recalcitrant husbands to release their wives from the bondage of being an agunah. They are confident that the new law will drastically reduce the number of agunos in Israel.

The new law compels rabbinical courts to set a date for a get, a date that must be within a month of the decision that a couple will be getting divorced. After three months from the judgment, if a get was not given, sanctions begin.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. If it’s a case of a husband who doesn’t want a divorce, or wants more access to children, the sanctions are probably counter productive (and indeed, formal litigation at that point is probably a bad idea – it’s a time for counseling not litigating).

    If it’s a case of a husband who is “shaking down” the wife (and probably, her family) for money, the sanctions are meaningless (except for prison). A more effective sanction might be to leave the husband liable for any and all debts incurred by the wife (whom he has to support) until he gives the “get.” In that situation, the thought of her going on a permanent shopping spree at his expense would probably be effective. However suspending a drivers license or requiring one to live in Israel are not meaningful sanctions against anyone.

  2. Like anyone who utilizes New York or other states “Get Law”‘s, this kind of law will make a Get Meusa. And any future children after such a so-called get will be mamzeirim.

  3. Where is the counter law forcing recalcitrant mothers to grant visitation to the father by a deadline of say a week? and failing that to jail & loss of custody!! as well as no more child support nor alimony.

  4. Why don’t make laws to force wives to accept the get. If she doesn’t accept the get, the husband cannot re-marry unless he obtains heter meah rabbanim which is no small feat.

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