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Rav Yaakov Galinsky Shlita Makes Shiva Visit at Vishnitz While On The Way To Levaya Of Grandson

The personal family tragedy that struck the family, the drowning death of a grandchild z”l did not prevent the Maggid Meisharim HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Galinsky Shlita from making a shiva visit to the home of the Vishnitzer Rebbe ZT”L.

The victim, Tzvi Galinsky z”l was a grandson to the maggid and a talmid in Kol Torah, a son of Rav Elimelech Galinsky.

Despite the tragedy, the maggid on Monday night, eve of 26 Adar 5772, made a shiva visit to Bnei Brak to the aveilim of the Vishnitzer Rebbe zt”l.

As the maggid was leaving her turn to those present and said “you suffered a loss and are sitting shiva. I too have my own pain for today I lost a grandchild”, then sharing the details of the tragedy.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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