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Flatbush Shomrim Founder Says Storobin Endangering Community By Putting Child Predators Back on Our Streets

In a scathing interview this motzei shabbos on the Zev Brenner radio show, Chaim Deutsch, the founder of the Flatbush Shomrim ripped Senate candidate David Storobin for his work defending violent criminals including those who attempt to murder, assault women and prey on young children. Deutsch explained that Storobin’s website boasts of his success in getting these kinds of people off the hook. A quick look at the Storobin website finds him bragging that he even got someone off for “attempted murder and gang assault,” by pleading it down to a misdemeanor offense and put that person back on the streets after “time-served.”

“Storobin’s values are not our community’s values,” explained Chaim Deutsch. “We at Shomrim work hard to keep criminals off the street and meanwhile Storobin’s website is bragging about put them back in our community. Does our community really want to be represented by someone who is proud to be the lawyer for alleged murderers and convicted child predators? We need our elected officials to protect us from the bad guys, not get them off the hook,” concluded Shomrim’s founder.

FYI: Link to Storobin’s website.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

22 Responses

  1. I doubt this will be posted, as YWN has once again taken to rejecting my comments, but still, here it goes…

    I see nothing on the website about defending child predators; the cases generally involve criminal assaults, robbery, larceny, DWI, other driving-related charges, and possession of marijuana. I doubt I’d want to invite the individuals charged over for a Shabbos meal, but still, the hyperbole of saying that he “defends child predators” is out of line. Mr. Storobin is a criminal defense attorney, and such individuals defend criminals. If you don’t like his job, say so, but at least be honest.

    an Israeli Yid

  2. Chaim Deutsch do you think that you really know our community values. Lew Fidler does not . he beleaves in gay
    as a defense attorney in a democracy his job is to get his client off the hook for whatever crime his client committed weather you like it or not. as a matter of fact he works with the laws that people like Lew Fidler voted on and put in to place.

  3. Attacking a lawyer for doing his job is somewhat tacky. The American legal system is based on the idea that everyone is entitled to a fair trial including assistance by a competent attorney. The person who planted this story should be suspected of not being very strongly to the American concept of civil rights (though if they are ever accused of a crime, they might suddenly see things differently).

    One should note that in many other legal systems, including halakhah, the judge is charged with investigating the case and doing justice according to the law, meaning a professional advocate is less important. In America, the judge’s job is to decide between the two sides and a defendant who fails to make a case due to incompetence or not understand the legal system, has basically waived his otherwise valid arguments. The fact the judge is neutral, means that competent lawyers are the “ikar” of the American system of justice.

  4. I can’t believe that people are still out there defending “the other candidate”. He has really not demonstrated any history of anything he’s done FOR the community.

    LEW FIDLER on the other hand has proven himself time and time again. His personal beliefs have NOTHING to do with whether one should vote for him or not!

    Back to the topic: If there is even one possibility of the “other” candidate defending a predator, let us NOT forget for ONE MOMENT Hakadosh LEIBY KLETZKY, a”h.

    There’s nothing wrong with the “other cadidate’s” job of being a public defender, however, if that’s what his tachlis is, let him stick to it, not to suddenly cross the bridge. He can’t possibly understand the community’s values and mindset – how will he effectively represent them?

    The “other candidate” seems to be the kind of guy who may likely take on the defense of a predator in a huff. Hey, he’s got a “great success rate”, his website brags about it. It’s all about notoriety. Would you want your child exposed to a predator on your block?

    #4) Simple question: Do you know our community’s values? You can’t even spell nor do you use punctuation…and yes, Fidler DOES believe in a happy marriage, do you?

    Chaim, keep up the great work! Let’s bring Fidler, a man with a proven record across the board, to the senate.

  5. Chamor HaDor, the guy(Fidler) who, wants to pollute the society with open toeivos, understands our values?? Only money matters??

  6. #7 – if you object to Storobin for doing his job as a defense lawyer, you are objecting to the idea of there being defense lawyers. That’s what defense lawyers do for a living. It’s what they are supposed to do – help criminals, many of whom are quite dumb, make the best argument they are entitled to. If you prefer to live in a system without defense lawyers, try North Korea.

  7. I heard R’Moshe Meir Weiss and R’ Zechariah Walerstein this past Shabbos say that those that support a pro Toeva candidate will have to answer din V’Cheshbon as to why they didn’t stand up for Hashem.

  8. Dear AnIsraeliYid,

    Storobin’s campaign confirmed that he has indeed defended child predators. I imagine that YWN didn’t post it because the loshon is not appropriate for a torah website. However, a quick Google search will confirm that Mr. Deutsch is 100% right.

    The bottom line: we know nothing about Storobin. And what we are finding out now is not good. He lied about being frum, doesn’t even believe in the basics of the torah like yityas mitzrayim and represents the worst people in our society. Why would you vote for him?

  9. #8 – Your point would be valid if the Tovea bill wasn’t past yet. But unfortunately, our close friend Dean Skelos who is the Republican Majority Leader allowed for the bill to pass. Dean Skelos did a tremendous amount for our Community so we can’t really go against him for what he did, or can we? Isn’t it ironic how Fidler could have possibly voted for the Tovea bill while he was serving in the City Council? Wasn’t the Tovea bill passed in the State Senate? Who voted for Anthony Weiner? Mayor Bloomberg? Aren’t they pro gay agenda? I’m soooo confused!!! Where is Yehuda Levin on all this? Why are they hiding him? Is it because the voters and Rabbonim will see this whole Shmear campaign is a hoax??? People wake up!! Smell the truth!!! Your all being fooled!!!!
    The entire Storobon campaign is a farce for people’s personal agenda.

  10. Yeshiva Guy, it’s obvious they only post if it isn’t blatantly anti-yeshiva world. so they’ll probably get rid of this

  11. Springer – the original article says that Storobin is “someone who is proud to be the lawyer for alleged murderers and convicted child predators”, and links to his website as backing. My point is that Mr. Storobin’s website does not tout any representation of child predators; he promotes his successful representation of other types of criminals.

    As others have noted, the job of a criminal defense attorney is to effectively represent criminals – if nobody would represent them, no fair trial would be possible. If you don’t like criminal defense attorneys, that’s fine, and is a reasonable basis to not support Mr. Storobin; however, describing him in inflamatory language as “someone who is proud to be the lawyer for alleged murderers and convicted child predators” is gross hyperbole.

    BTW, I will not be voting for either candidate, as I am not a resident of his district, and it was not the final district I was registered in in the US. I simply find this continuous posting of hysterical opinion pieces supporting the other candidate as “news” to be a stain on an otherwise reasonably balanced news site serving the Frum community.

    an Israeli Yid

  12. From Springer: “He lied about being frum, doesn’t even believe in the basics of the torah like yityas mitzrayim and represents the worst people in our society. Why would you vote for him?”

    Mr. Springer: Since when is the frumkeit of a candidate a factor to be considered in deciding whether to vote for him?? Lew Fidler is frei as they come and is a michalel shobbos b’farhesia. Please find me one statment by Mr. Storobin in a poster, article, or statement in any media where he claims to be frum. The fact that you got the wrong impression does mean Mr. Storobin is dishonest. Mr. Storobin is a Soviet yid who is trying to learn about yidishkeit. Any krumkeiten he has is a sad product of 70 years of Communist indoctrination.

  13. #19, Excuse me, but when he left Russia, Jews were as free to practice as they are today. He had many choices then as did he till now, having lived here for the longest time as well as having gone to school here to obtain his degree in law.

    Many campuses have Hillel houses where Makarvim approach the lost generations and try to bring them back. Amazing how he didn’t jump on the wagon then because it wasn’t important to him – at the time.

    Now, when it’s gravy on his turkey, all of a sudden he’s becoming frum?? C’mon buddy, wake up! Your coffee is percolating, don’t you smell it??

    What #14 said is sooo true. Lew may not object to SSM but he was never a senator to have voted for it. It’s in law now and Lew had NOTHING to do with it.

    As a matter of information, do we know for a fact that Straw-bin won’t support it later??

    Before putting your mouth in motion, put your brain in gear. Don’t shoot from the hip.

  14. Mr. Deutsch said: “Does our community really want to be represented by someone who is proud to be the lawyer for alleged murderers and convicted child predators?”

    Why are the murderers refered to as alleged but the child predators are convicted? No where on that site did I see a words convicted, child or predator. Why is it that when someone is accused of child abuse, they are automatically guilty. Does that mean that these people should have no legal defence and be sent to jail without trial? What about false acusations? it became a Machla to accuse anyone of Child abuse the moment we need them out of the way. After all in murder, one needs a body, a weapon, motive, apportunity, evidence etc. Child abuse? You need nothing to convict.

    The words that are used are false and very carefully calculated to play on our emotions. We all want to protect our children. So call someone a child abuser or defender of child abusers and you are on the right track.

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