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Miracle In Flatbush: NYC Bus Collides With ‘Meals On Wheels’ Truck, Bus Crashes Into Building, Truck Flips Over

It is nothing short of a miracle, that no one was standing at the corner of Avenue J and Ocean Avenue, Monday morning, when a NYC Bus was struck by a “Meals on Wheels” truck, and roared up onto the sidewalk and slammed into the building. reports that the truck collided with the bus at the intersection of Ocean Avenue and Avenue J, just before 10:00AM, Monday morning. The bus lost control and drove straight onto the sidewalk, slamming into the corner apartment building. The Meals on Wheels truck overturned, and the third vehicle sustained heavy damage as well.

Fearing the worst after receiving multiple calls, Flatbush Hatzolah, as well as dozens of FDNY, NYPD ESU, and EMS personnel were expedited to the scene. Miraculously, a total of 10 victims were transported to the hospital – none with life-threatening injuries – and miraculously, no one was killed.


2 Responses

  1. Around the corner from where the “Eish Ha’Eskolos, the Anshei Kodesh” HaRav Shlomo Yehuda Gross z”l lived. He is clearly being po’el chasadim Tovim, even b”misaso. We must continue in his ways and support the Amud Ha’Chesed which he held up so valiantly and with such mesirus guf v’nefesh.

  2. The quote should have read “Ish Ha’Eshkolos, Anshei Chesed” (from HaRav Schorr’s hesped). Sorry for the misquote.

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