Iranian Terrorist Serves in Today’s Government

The official ceremony marking 20 years since the terror attack against Israel’s diplomatic mission in Buenos Aires was held on erev Shabbos, 22 Adar 5772. The ceremony was held on the site of the former mission, today known as Israeli Mission Square.

29 people were murdered in the 1992 terror attack. Members of the local Jewish community and Israeli diplomatic corps stationed in that country were present, along with Minister Yossi Peled and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Lieberman reiterated his commitment to rebuild Israel’s diplomatic mission in Buenos Aires, in the near future, which he feels will serve as a constant memorial for those who lost their lives in the attack. “That building stood for 42 years and soon, it will stand again” stated the minister.

Ayalon added that today’s Iranian minister of defense is one of the terrorists who was responsible for that attack. He pointed out that today he walks around a free man, G-d forbid planning the next attack. Ayalon, Peled and others reminded participants that those responsible for the deadly attack remain on Israel’s list of terrorists who will eventually be brought to justice.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. From the headline I thought the story was about Machmood Amadingbat in Iran who was one of the Iranian hostage takers in 1979.

  2. I heard that this creeeeep was also among the “student leaders” in the takeover of the American Embassy in Teheran.

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