Not Soon Enough: Convicted Nazi War Criminal John Demjanjuk YM”S Dies

John Demjanjuk, a retired U.S. autoworker who was convicted of being a guard at the Nazis’ Sobibor death camp despite steadfastly maintaining over three decades of legal battles that he had been mistaken for someone else, died Saturday, his son told The Associated Press. He was 91.

Demjanjuk, convicted in May of 28,060 counts of being an accessory to murder and sentenced to five years in prison, died a free man in a nursing home in the southern Bavarian town of Bad Feilnbach. He had been released pending his appeal.

John Demjanjuk Jr. said in a telephone interview from Ohio that his father died of natural causes. Demjanjuk had terminal bone marrow disease, chronic kidney disease and other ailments.


6 Responses

  1. Throwing him in an unmarked pit in a field somewhere & soaking him with lye is a fitting “burial.” May he burn in Gehenom for eternity.

  2. I followed this Rasha trial in Israel 20 years ago. Somehow he escaped the true justice, as there was some doubt & mistaken identity. Finally this Rasha – after 91 long ” HAPPY ” years will be given his punishment in gehinom.

  3. I don’t think he’ll be zoche to go to Gehenom. Gehenom is meant for yiddin or good people needing a tikkin.

  4. “Demjanjuk, convicted in May of 28,060 counts of being an accessory to murder and sentenced to five years in prison, died a free man in a nursing home in the southern Bavarian town of Bad Feilnbach” I know what the word “Bad” means (in English) but what does Feilnbach mean? And to #3, where is he supposed to go?

  5. Yosher koyach to the tzaddik natzi hunter Reb Dr. Efroim Zuroif who spends all his waking hours hunting down these reshoim. “Timche es zeicher amolaik mitachas hashomoyim”!

  6. #3 is right. Geihenom is heaven for him! It’s a cleansing before gan Eden! Although Gentiles also have geihenon and heaven it is not the same reward like Jews, as they have only 7 noahide mitzvot. Lefum Tzara Agra!
    Kaf hakela for eternity! He needs also to reincarnate every time and be murdered for every Jew who died because of him! Yimach Shemo vezichro. The mashchitin wait to torture him!

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