The Bin Laden Plot To Kill President Obama

Before his death, Osama bin Laden boldly commanded his network to organize special cells in Afghanistan and Pakistan to attack the aircraft of President Barack Obama and Gen. David Petraeus.

“The reason for concentrating on them,” the al-Qaeda leader explained to his top lieutenant, “is that Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make (Vice President Joe) Biden take over the presidency. … Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis. As for Petraeus, he is the man of the hour … and killing him would alter the war’s path” in Afghanistan.

Administration officials said Friday the Obama-Petraeus plot was never a serious threat.

The scheme is described in one of the documents taken from bin Laden’s compound by U.S. forces on May 2, the night he was killed. I was given an exclusive look at some of these remarkable documents by a senior administration official. They have been declassified and will be available soon to the public in their original Arabic texts and translations.

The man bin Laden hoped would carry out the attacks on Obama and Petraeus was the Pakistani terrorist Ilyas Kashmiri. “Please ask brother Ilyas to send me the steps he has taken into that work,” bin Laden wrote to his top lieutenant, Atiyah Abd al-Rahman. A month after bin Laden’s death, Kashmiri was killed in a U.S. drone attack.

The plot to target Obama was probably bluster, since al-Qaeda apparently lacked the weapons to shoot down U.S. aircraft. But it’s a chilling reminder that even when he was embattled and in hiding, bin Laden still dreamed of pulling off another spectacular terrorist attack against the United States.

The terrorist leader urged in a 48-page directive to Atiyah to focus “every effort that could be spent on attacks in America,” instead of operations within Muslim nations. He told Atiyah to “ask the brothers in all regions if they have a brother … who can operate in the U.S. [He should be able to] live there, or it should be easy for him to travel there.”


10 Responses

  1. Obama probably made up this whole story and leaked it to the press to convince everybody of how valuble he is. To show that is he is gone Has ve Shalom, what kind of troubles would have awaited America. Basically, Obama the savier.
    Too bad Osama missed Obama.

  2. “since al-Qaeda apparently lacked the weapons to shoot down U.S. aircraft.”
    We’re not just talking about any U.S. aircraft, we’re talking about Air Force One! There is no way they could take down AFO (unless Hashem wants them to, and then even a tiny pebble could turn it into a big pile of trash…)

  3. Aouman is right. It is only good for his ego, and will help him stay president. It doesn’t make sense otherwise the wholes story, he would kill the president so that the next president isn’t good… Obama is trying very clearly to state that biden is not suited for the post and he is

  4. 5.

    For such a comment you should be removed from this blog! NEVER NEVER EVER make such a comment. No matter how much we despise the policies of the Socialist In Charge of the current regime, that should NEVER come out of your mouth like that!!

    BH we live in a country where we could vote people out of office so VOTE HIM OUT in November.

  5. “Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis” and Obama is prepared?!? Also to #8, who said those words came out of #5’s mouth?!? He just typed them up!!! 🙂

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