NYC: DEP Floats Out Rebates For More Efficient Toilets

The city is looking to flush old toilets in favor of newer ones that use less water.  The Department of Environmental Protection is offering a $125 rebate to anyone who installs a new, more efficient toilet.

The DEP hopes replacing old toilets will cut the city’s water usage by three percent, saving some 30 million gallons a day.

Modern toilets use less than one and a half gallons per flush compared to five gallons for an older toilet.

The city is seeking bids from companies looking to recycle the old toilets.

(Source: NY1)

3 Responses

  1. The newer ones tend to get clogged more frequently. The Democrats have been pushing this since Jimmy Carter’s days, when the idea was introduced. If your toilet is modern, whenever it clogs, blame the Democrats.

  2. They also use more water because you have to flush it so many times to get the job done. However, the newer “low flush” have been somewhat improved. In one bathroom we have an older one, in another the newer one.

  3. If its good for the democrats, its bad for everyone else.

    If its bad for the democrats, its good for everyone else.

    This, my friends, is good for the democrats so it is bad for the rest of us. That being said with all the excrement coming from the Obama Zombie left, I would think they would need a more powerful toilet.

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