Feds Put NYPD On High Alert That Taliban May Plan Revenge Attacks

The feds put the NYPD on high alert Thursday for revenge attacks spurred by a deranged American soldier’s massacre of 16 innocent Afghans in the heartland of the Taliban. the NYPD on high alert Thursday for revenge attacks spurred by a deranged American soldier’s massacre of 16 innocent Afghans in the heartland of the Taliban.

“The FBI and DHS are concerned that this event could contribute to the radicalization or mobilization of homegrown violent extremists in the homeland,” a bulletin reads.

The NYPD said it had received the bulletin and was closely monitoring events in Afghanistan.

The ominous missive was sent out by the feds shortly after Afghan President Hamid Karzai demanded all U.S. troops and allied forces be locked down to their bases — and entirely booted by the end of next year.


2 Responses

  1. “…spurred by a deranged American soldier’s massacre of 16 innocent Afghans…”

    Taking into account the fear and provocations experienced by a man who was on his I believe 4th tour in “the sandbox” – I pose the following proposition:

    Either give him the same slack I bet most of your readers gave Baruch Goldstein over the 1994 Hebron killings…or charachterize Goldstein too as a “deranged” person who committed a “massacre.”

  2. To give YWN the benefit of the doubt, I’ll assume that you wrote “innocent” Afghans only to quote the original news item and to be politically correct. If you gave any Afghan a weapon and put him in front of an unarmed soldier, they would shoot him. Not to mention that they hate Jews just as much as any Muslim in the Middle East.

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