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Israelis Under Fire While Iran Progresses With Its Murder Program

One million Israelis have been forced to run to nearest bomb shelters and safe rooms during the last 4 days, as missiles from radicals in Gaza fall on Israel’s population centres. In response to this IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz comforted the Israeli public with his promise to “continue to retaliate with force against any firing directed at Israel”. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also reiterated similar words with his visit to the south on Sunday.

At 1am this morning an agreement between Israel and Hamas to ceasefire was made. But, of course, as usual, the so-called “ceasefire” was ceased by Gaza and rockets were fired into the south of the country. Interestingly, in the midst of all this, residents of Gaza who almost all support their brothers in Islamic Jihadism and believe that “Palestine” is theirs “from the river to the sea” still have their lights on and water running, thanks to Israel.

Israeli aerial defence advances, being the Iron Dome anti-missile system, has prevented countless attacks by an 85% success rate. Shooting down Grad missiles and Qassam rockets, iron dome launcher, Lior David, said “We will do anything possible to keep the Southern citizens and our country safe from this attack.”

However, as expected, world media is only reporting about the 20 Palestinians killed in Gaza by the IDF, omitting the very important fact that this was a retaliatory raid; a response to the ruthless rocket launches from Gaza, specifically targeting Israeli civilian life.

It is important to mention and remember that, according to UNWCC (United Nations War Crimes Commission), Hamas and Islamic Jihad commit double war-crimes by firing from behind civilians, at civilians – this is something the world, including UN Secretary General; Mr Ban Ki Moon chooses to continually ignore.

As southern Israel is under fire, we need to recognise that these missile attacks are nothing compared to the nuclear threat from Iran, which is progressing at this very moment, thanks to the Obama administration’s appeasing-nature and lack of seriousness in their attempt to actively stop the nuclear programme – while putting pressure on Israel to remain dormant, during threats to her existence.

Iranian self-elected president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, continues to illustrate his “double-personality“ by insisting Iran’s nuclear programme is for peaceful purposes in public, while simultaneously contradicting this stance in private, or when he is with an Iranian majority, with his hateful words of “Death to Israel, Death to America!” (while promoting terrorism worldwide) which eloquently exemplifies the real and obvious reasons for his nuclear desire?

Nevertheless, what is happening is a proxy war. The Islamic Republic of Iran is the probable force instructing terrorist Gazans to attack Israelis, as we know that most of the weaponry in Gaza is originally smuggled as gifts from the Iranians through the Egyptian border. This is an attempt to distract the world, once again, from Iran’s nuclear weapon programme, by bringing a different part of region into the world’s spotlight. And, sadly, it seems to be working.

(Tanya Maayan Dahan – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. This weekend fighting i can assure you did not stop israel for a second of thinking of that hated ahmadinejat threat 2 israel and the world. And if his plan was to distract the attention of the world it didnt work.

  2. this is how i like to read the news, with interesting background information and detailed reporting. it is true, the world always victimises the palestinians, instead of looking at the big picture, like you mentioned. i just hope bibi doesnt listen to the obama administration and does something to iran before it is too late. yom tov

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