Biden: Obama ‘Would’ve Been A One-Term President’ If Bin Laden Mission Had Failed

President Obama would have ended up a one-term president if last summer’s mission to kill Osama bin Laden had failed, according to Vice President Biden.

Biden, speaking Monday night at a small fundraising event for Obama’s reelection campaign, contrasted Obama’s leadership during his first term with that of House Republicans during the debt-ceiling crisis last summer.

“This guy’s got a backbone like a ramrod,” Biden said of Obama, according to the White House pool report. He cited the success of the military mission to capture Osama bin Laden in Pakistan last summer as a decisive moment for his presidency.

“He said, ‘Go,’ knowing his presidency was on the line,” Biden said of Obama. “Had he failed in that audacious mission, he would’ve been a one-term president.”

The Obama campaign has highlighted the Navy SEAL mission that resulted in the death of bin Laden as one of the top accomplishments of the president’s term. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), who hosted the fundraiser at his Georgetown home, summed up Obama’s first term using a favorite line of Biden’s: “Osama bin Laden is dead. General Motors is alive.”

Footage from the 17-minute Obama campaign film released on Monday featured former President Bill Clinton applauding Obama for making the call to move forward with the mission.

“He took the harder, and the more honorable, path. When I saw what had happened, I thought to myself, ‘I hope that’s the call I would’ve made,’ ” Clinton says in the film.

“It was among the toughest decisions President Obama would make as commander in chief and a victory for our nation,” the campaign wrote to supporters on Monday.

Biden drew a contrast between Obama’s leadership and that of the Republicans, saying: “There’s nobody in charge.”


5 Responses

  1. CONGRATULATIONS! He did one thing right in 3 years and that warrants a re-election? Really? That is the best thing they could come up with?

  2. May Hashem grant that this guy is a one term president! If I had my way, he would be a 3/4 term president. He has got to go, and soon!

  3. Clinton is a hypocrite. He had more than one chance to take him out before all the mayham started. He was offered bin laden on a silver platter by the Saudi’s but decided against it. So for him to say he would have made the call is totally false.

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