The gabbai of the Belzer Rebbe Shlita, Rav Aaron Fried escaped harm when his vehicle flipped over on Monday night (eve of 19 Adar 5772) in the Har Chotzvim area of Yerushalayim. R’ Fried was the only occupant of the vehicle when it flipped over. He sustained light injuries and he was transported to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital for an exam.
Rav Fried told those close to him that he feels a miracle occurred and he was saved because of a coin given to him to watch over recently by the Rebbe Shlita.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
5 Responses
If the rebbi would have given him a “dollar” maybe the accident would have not happened at all
It’s a pity that HKBH has no Chasidim. They would have felt that miracles happen because He looks after every one. Dovid Hamelech says: “Zamru LaH’ Chasidov” – one has to be a chasid of H’ to sing to Him!
I only wish that these yidden would stop using their rebbes as Gods. I promise that this is not what the bal shem tov meant chassidus to be.
Defensive Driving lessons are the best to prevent these accidents. Cars do not flip over suddenly and without reason.
A CHOSID SHOITAH!!….. he didnt think that hashem saved him…. only the rebbe saved him?