Rav Fendel and His Talmidim Remain Committed to Sderot

The Srugim website speaks of the talmidim of the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva, which is under the direction of Rabbi David Fendel, who has been at the helm of the yeshiva during the hardest of times, determined to remain in the city, giving a chizuk to residents during times like today, when rocket fire is constant.

The article quotes a position taken by the Chazon Ish during the early days of the state, quoting the late gadol hador as instructing talmidim not to leave the south for safer areas of learning for if they would move to Bnei Brak and abandon the south, Bnei Brak would quickly become the next front in the fighting. The Chazon Ish had an understanding and appreciation for the presence of Jews in the south, who were simply maintaining Israel’s southern border.

When the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva began, they were not seated in the fortified rocket resistant beit medrash that permits them to continue learning during rocket attacks, but in caravans, but they were no less committed during those difficult years, taking their cue from the rosh yeshiva, who has dedicated his life to the community, to spreading Torah to his talmidim and the Sderot tzibur at large.

For Rav Fendel and his talmidim, there is never a thought of leaving when things become too difficult. Quite the contrary, they feel now is the time to strengthen the limud Torah in the city and for talmidei chachamim to continue learning as the rocket fire from Gaza continues.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. KOL HAKAVOD, Rav Fendel and his talmidim have increased their learning and ahuvas yisroel since the beginning of the disengagement.
    They continue to give chizuk to the residents of the city with their emunah and bitachon.

  2. Rav Fendel is a high energy man and has worked tirelessly to build the Yeshiva during some very rough times. When others abandoned the City of Sderot, Rav Fendel dug in his heels and built! Those that are able, should visit the Sderot and the Yeshiva or even take a virtual tour. Both can be arranged through the yeshiva Website. http://sderot.org/english/
    For those who would like to be supportive of the Hesder Yeshiva of Sderot, the annual Yeshiva dinner is May 8th, 2012 at Caesar’s Club, Citifield, Flushing NY

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