Israel: Are Police Changing the Facts in Attacks?

Six Arabs were indicted last week for allegedly perpetrating the attack against two IDF soldiers near Rambam Medical Center last month. One of the defendants is 54, while the others are younger.

To the surprise of many, police are now insisting that the attack was not a hate crime, charging the defendants with assault but not linking it to an act of terror.

In another questionable incident a woman was stabbed in by an Arab male in his 40s on a main street in Nahariya on Sunday morning, 17 Adar 5772. In that case the mainstream media first reported the stabbing occurred during a robbery. That was changed to a stabbing by a “deranged attacker”, never mentioning the fact that he is an Arab. Also omitted from the reports was the fact that eyewitnesses report they heard the Arab attacker shout “Ala Akbar” before stabbing the woman.

In both cases the facts seem to point to hate crimes but police remain adamant that this is not the case.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Guess trying to convince the people of Israel that the ARABS are surely ‘partners in peace’ not looking to tear us to “PIECES”.

  2. This is NOT the first time the police have done this (and I’m sure will not be the last).
    When yishmaeli savages stoned the car of Yonatan Palmer a few months ago, resulting in a crash that killed him and his infant son, the police also claimed he just lost control of his car and it was a regular car accident. They maintained that lie as long as they could. It was only when the evidence was so overwhelming that they were forced to admit who caused it.
    You can’t solve a problem until you admit you have one.
    Israel does not want to admit the scope of the problem of arabs inside Israel so they wont have to admit that they don’t know how to solve the problem – without admitting also that כהנה צדק! – that R’ Kahane was right – “you can’t put 10 pounds of sugar in a 5 pound sack” – i.e. you can’t have 2 peoples both claiming the same piece of land is theirs IN THAT LAND.
    Rather than coming to grips with having to deal with that reality. – they falsify the “facts”.

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