Search For Missing Person In Los Angeles

Volunteers in Los Angeles are looking for a missing person.

His name is Akiva Estersohn, and he is 48-years-old. He is approximately 6 feet tall, and has blond hair. He was last seen on Friday morning. He is a known hiker so if you are visiting parks and hiking trails in the Los Angeles area today – BE ON ALERT AND LOOKOUT!

He left behind all his belongings and has not been heard from by family or friends since Friday morning.

Police have been notified and missing persons report filed. But community alertness is needed.

Please be Mispallel for Akiva Yisroel ben Basya.


(Moshe Altusky – YWN)

5 Responses

  1. CHAVERIM of LA is working with Hatzolah and other agencies on this (Hatzolah is spearheading this search). Although still preliminary, there is a good chance we will need the community’s assistance. If you are able to help search, please fill out the info here:

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