YWN Exlcusive: Storobin Preaches Apikorsus! Says Torah’s Account of Pesach is ‘Ridiculous!’

YWN was shocked to discover an article written by New York State Senate candidate David Storobi preaching apikorsus.

As background, Storobin is running for State Senate in a heavily Orthodox Jewish senate district to replace disgraced Senator Carl Kruger on Tuesday, March 20th. Storobin has been the source of great controversy as, apparently, he has given the impression to many, including Hamodia Newspaper, that he is a frum Jew. That claim has been debunked by Yaakov Gold on Yeshiva World and later one of Storobin’s advisers admitted that he was not Orthodox or even Shomer Shabbos. Despite this, Strobin is still actively courting the Orthodox vote based on his claim that his “values” are the same as the Orthodox Jewish community’s.

However, based on this essay, Storobin’s “values” do not appear to be Jewish values. In this essay Storobin says many things that are against fundamental Jewish beliefs including that the “there is no evidence of Jewish presence in Egypt.” He goes on to say that the story of yitzyas mitzrayim and Jews defeating Egyptians is “ridiculous.” He adds that that there was no way that Yehoshua could have conquered Canaan and that Jericho’s walls had fallen from an “earthquake” and were not, as Storobin describes, “magically destroyed by the noise from the Hebrew’s horn.” The worst part, perhaps, of Storobin’s essay? As proof of his scholarship and accuracy, Storobin cites a television program on the Discovery Channel. Apparently, for Storobin a television station is more authentic then the Tanach.

The following is an unedited essay by David Strobin published on the Global Politician news website:

The Origin of the Jewish People and the Land of Canaan

By David Storobin, Esq.

We’ve all heard the Biblical story about the origin of the Hebrew nation: Egyptian enslavement, God’s punishment of the Pharaoh, 40 years in the desert, conquest of Jericho and other Canaanite lands by Joshua, etc. There is just a small problem with the story: there is no evidence of Jewish presence in Egypt or in the Sinai desert. One would think that after hundreds of years in Egypt and 40 years in Sinai, Hebrews would’ve left traces of their culture – but they did not. Furthermore, we now have evidence that by the time Joshua came to Jericho, its walls were already destroyed by an earthquake, so they were not magically destroyed by the noise from the Hebrew’s horns. And most importantly, Land of Canaan was occupied by Egypt at it’s height of power. To suggest that Hebrews were able to defeat the Egyptians and establish a state in part of Egypt is like suggesting that a group of Gypsy migrants could attack the United States, conquer Florida and establish a state there. Such a claim is ridiculous! So what really happened?

During the Egyptian rule of Canaan, it re-organized the territory. As a result, many peasants were left homeless and had to live in their caravans. Egyptians began calling them “caravan people.” The ancient Egyptian word for caravan people was similar to the word Hebrew. [1]

Hebrews were not a separate nation – they were merely peasant Canaanites who were left homeless. [2] They made their residence in the Judean desert, which was part of the Egyptian empire at the time. “Joshua and the Hebrews were not conquerors of Canaanites. They were Canaanites,” according to “Ancient Evidence: Joshua and the Walls of Jericho.” [3] What separated Hebrews from Canaanites was theology, not genetics: the peasant Canaanite caravan people did not eat pork, they believed in a single God, etc. Other than theology and poverty, Hebrews did not differ from any other Canaanite people. [4] Originally, Hebrews referred to their God by the word “Baal” – which has come to mean “Lord” in the Hebrew language . Baal was the name of one of the Canaanite Gods. [5]

Around the time when the Caravan People revolted against the Pharaoh, a series of natural disasters, including massive earthquakes swept through the land. This was interpreted by them as punishment of Egyptians by God. After a few years, Egyptians no longer wanted to hang on to the land that was constantly rocked by huge earthquakes and withdrew. The earthquakes continued on very regular basis for a total of about half a century, which explains why the Hebrews had to wonder around the (Judean) desert for 40 years and could not settle down. At the end of the series of earthquakes, the Caravan People revolted against the urban Canaanites who used to be wealthy before the earthquakes, but were now poor and not as well organized as the peasants. The peasants quickly defeated the urbanites, took over their cities and declared themselves to be “God’s princes.” The word for “God’s Prince” is “Israelite.” [6]

This is just a theory and evidence may be found conradicting this. However, at the moment, the author believes this is the most probable historical account of what happened many thousands of years ago.


1. http://www.mystae.com/restricted/streams/thera/hapiru.html

2. Ibid.

3. Discovery Channel, 11/13/2003 at 1 a.m. Also available on DVD and VHS at http://shopping.discovery.com

4. Id.

5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baal

6. http://www.baby-names-world.com/profile.php?name=Israel

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

34 Responses

  1. He didn’t believe in G-d at the time. He’s trying to do better now. Why is it so hard to understand? Why the hit jobs, over and over again?
    He’s certainly the better choice between the two of them.

  2. So YWN, are you claiming NO ONE can become a Ger or a Baal T’shuva???? This was almost EIGHT years ago!

    I am not in his district & the only concern I have in this race is that there is a strong Conservative so that we can undo anything Obama & socialism.

  3. Yitzchokm: Did he publicly recant his article that we should believe he now thinks differently? Besides his whole theory flies in the face of an actual historical fact as witnessed by roughly 3 million people. To argue that is sheer lunacy and frankly we don’t need anymore lunatics in Albany; we have more than enough already.

  4. at least he doesnt support toieva. do you think Fidler believes in the torah? He is a jew who believes in the conservative judaism religion. Perahps David did teshuva? Fidler is pro toeiva and anti yeshiva. the choice is clear

  5. I agree. This article is from 2004, why is it relevant now? So, who would be a better person to vote for? The election is not for rav of the district.

  6. Maybe he’s done tshuva. What surprises me is that an amateur historian cites a television program and Wikipedia as sources. Couldn’t he do original research, and what was the point of publishing such an article? Everything he does, I find more confusing.

    He came out of nowhere with simplistic ideas which is what the voters like to hear.

  7. R’ Yitzchok, how naive can we be?

    First he claimed to be Orthodox then his staff admitted that he was not. Then we learn that he is not even Shomer Shabbos and now we learn that he espoused apikorsus. Are we really supposed to ignore the reality?

    I think it’s obvious what is happening: this guy is running for office and is pretending to be something he is not. What more do you need? Does YWN have to post a picture of him eating a ham sandwich?

  8. Strobin is not an Apikores! Rather, he’s simply a tinok shenishba. He is from Soviet Jewish background and his ‘belief’s’ are a sad product of the communist ideology his parents and grandparents were nebach forced to absorb over a period of seventy years. I really don’t understand why his essay has to be trumpeted in triumphant tones here on YWN. Its a simple nebach which has no bearing on his ability to represent his constituants.

  9. This is why Rabbonim should not be involved in politics!

    It seems like any Rov who signed on to support Storobin was misinformed at the least or maybe even CHAS VSHALOM lied to in order to get support for someone who is against every value that we hold dear.

    We need to send a message next week that our community will not be fooled!

  10. avi732-
    I don’t believe he needs to “publicly” renounce his article. This is between Mr. Storobin and G-d. I fail to see how this is relevant at all to the current race.
    Mr. Fidler is running on a platform that’s against the torah. This is beside the fact that his views on Yeshiva education (vouchers) is very different then most of us. (giving a tax credit will not help most of the “middle class”. When reading his press releases, look for the word “up to” when receiving any kind of aid. This would indicate that the credit will be income based. Vouchers give the same amount regardless of income.)
    Mr. Storobin isn’t.
    If you look at the “kol Kora” in the papers regarding Mr. Storobin, it doesn’t mention his frumkite. It points out his opponent’s lack of moral guidance.

  11. Mark Levin you are a hypocrite. It’s okay to criticize Obama for his supposed ties to Bill Ayers over a decade ago, it’s okay to criticize Obama for sitting in Rev Wright’s church decades ago but when one of YOUR people writes and anti-Jewish essay only a few years ago you ignore it.

    PLEASE! BE consistent – Storobin is a faker. Thank you YWN for braking this story. There is NO WAY that he will get the Orthodox vote!

  12. Sam-
    Your being disingenuous if you really don’t understand the difference between being friends with Bill Ayers and having Apikorsus believes. One is being friends with a terrorist. The other has noting to do with policy.

  13. As is usually the case, neither candidate is particularly good for our community and both are pandering to us. I’d be an ideal candidate, but I chose not to run.

  14. Stupid thing to mix up apikarsus & politics! did we test all other senaters & candidates their views on mitzvois & torah? what it matters 4 us is if their pollicy’s is good 4 us or not not their yiras shamaim!

  15. I find it hard to believe that voting for a pro Toeva candidate is what Hashem wants from me. I really don’t understand what everyones problem is with Storobin is. Is he less frum then Fidler? Is he less of a Jew then anyone of us?

  16. Storobin came from the atheist Soviet Union, where he was indoctinated in their lies. He’s trying to shed this stuff now. So, why are you regurgitating his former atheist indoctrination.

    Don’t you know the Gemorrah: “Never remind a Ger of his past?”

    Politics is dirty. Shame on you.

  17. many of the so called “frum” Jews who support Fidler are also apikorsim. They don’t believe in listening to todays Gedoilim.

  18. 12. Gimme a break!! You are just a typical Obama Zombie. Obama and his terrorist buddies have ties MUCH less than 10 years ago. Bill Ayres, the unrepentant terrorist, told Breitbart they babysat for the little mamzayros, certainly less than 10 years ago. Get your facts straight!!

    Besides if you can’t see a MAJOR difference between not believing in G-d when running for Congress and hanging out with terrorists / black theologians when you want to be president, you have bigger problems than just being an uninformed unintelligent obama zombie.

  19. BIG DEAL !!! We are not looking to buy meat from him or use his personal HASHGICHO. As #11 points out, “If you look at the “kol Kora” in the papers regarding Mr. Storobin, it doesn’t mention his frumkite. It points out his opponent’s lack of moral guidance.”

  20. They are both rotten choices.
    The diference is that Storobin is running on the Republican line. The Democrats have taken this part of Brooklyn for granted for too many years now. If another Republican wins, the Democrats may finally wake up and pay attention to us.

  21. I am ignoring all hit jobs until the lefties put democrats under the same microscope. There is obviously a double standard and as such I will ignore this essay. Besides this essay is from 8 years ago and is not relevant in this election. I think we should be focused on the issues and ignore the hit jobs coming from the left.

  22. I’m not in that district, thank goodness, but it sounds to me like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. They’re both awful! But I guess we have to be consistent in our dislike of people who vote for to’eva. We have to vote against them.

  23. To #12 Sam:
    It wasn’t an anti-Jewish essay. Growing up in Russia, very, very few Yidden received a Jewish education. Under Communism, they were indoctrinated with atheism. Before they are taught our Religion, it’s natural for them to apply the science they learned to matters of religion. Hence, he’s not a “faker,” but at least back then he apparently knew almost nothing about our history and Religion.

  24. The sources this guy quotes wouldn’t get accepted on an elementary school level essay. Regardless of content or his actual belief, this is pathetic.

  25. I’m with Shintav. This guy is clearly not qualified to be a State Senator. Can you imagine? This is the kind of research that he publicly stands by? What a joke. I would vote for him…for dog catcher…but NOT for Senate!

  26. A few points:

    1. I’d tend to doubt that Mr. Fidler has significantly different beliefs from those expressed in Mr. Storobin’s article.

    2. Mr. Storobin has no religious background, and any progress toward religiouslity is to his credit, considering where he’s coming from. Holding an article that he wrote eight years ago against him is grossly unfair.

    3. I find it interesting that YWN is regularly putting out purported “news” articles that are nothing but political smear jobs. When the Frum community’s leadership is, at best, divided between two candidates, YWN, as a news source for the Frum community, should not be publishing blatently biased articles like this. The misleading headline doesn’t help any – “preaches” and “says” are current tense, implying that this is something that’s going on now – not an old article that was dug up by someone with an ax to grind.

    an Israeli Yid

  27. I for one am proud that YWN would stand up to those that made a back-room deal to support an unqualified candidate for State Senate. THANK YOU YWN!


  28. I for one am voting for Fidler, who has a proven track record of funding yeshivas and helping The Jewish community fr over 20 years. I disagree with some of hs positions, but overall, he s the better candidate/choice.

  29. Are we voting for the chief melamed of the district? Christians, moslems, buddhists and atheists also believe in things that are apikorus. There are many jewish apikorsim in government at all levels who have received the frum vote (mike bloomberg, ed koch, anthony wiener to name a few). I agree that storobin should not get the frum vote if he was running for av beis din or rosh yeshiva of the district, is he?

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