OU Commends Rep Turner’s Intro of ‘TEACH’ Act for Schools

Today, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (“Orthodox Union”) – the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization – commended U.S. Representative Bob Turner for his recent introduction of the Tax and Education Assistance for Children (“TEACH”) Act in Congress.

The TEACH Act would provide a federal tax credit of up to $5,000 per year to families who send their children to non-public K-12 schools. Congressman Turner has said his goal with the TEACH Act is to ameliorate the “double taxation” burdening parents who pay taxes that support local public schools but also pay tuitions to non-public schools where, for their own reasons, they feel their children will receive the most appropriate education.

In response to Congressman Turner’s initiative:

Orthodox Union President Dr. Simcha Katz stated: “The challenge of tuition affordability is the most serious domestic challenge facing our community, so we are grateful that Rep. Turner is offering a serious initiative in response.”

Orthodox Union Managing Director Rabbi Steven Burg stated: “By introducing this legislation, Rep. Turner is showing his responsiveness to the many Jewish, Catholic and other families in his district who are struggling to provide their children with the education they believe most appropriate.”

Orthodox Union Executive Director of Public Policy Nathan Diament stated: “The Orthodox Jewish community appreciates Rep. Turner’s legislative initiative and will be working to expand support for it. We thank Congressmen Pete King and Steven Palazzo for joining as original co-sponsors of the TEACH Act and we look forward to working to expand the roster of co-sponsors. The Orthodox Union will continue to propose, support and advance a range of federal policy initiatives through which the educational opportunity and K-12 tuition affordability are addressed and expanded effectively.”

2 Responses

  1. So we’re finally beginning to see what is possible when we break loose from the iron grip of Liberal politicians who are solidly in the camp of the public teacher’s unions, totally against helping private and parochial schools.

    This proposal could come only from a politician like Turner who was elected with the votes of Orthodox jews and conservatives.

    I hope all of you in Flatbush who are trying to decide between Fidler and Storobin will keep this in mind.

  2. I think Turner has shown more concern and effort in being supported by the frum community than all congressman of all time. How many community events? Etc.

    As deepthinker says let’s take it to heart. If we act according to our beliefs, it will make a difference!

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