Rav Kanievsky on Rebitzen Batsheva A”H

A number of month after the petira of Rebitzen Batsheva Kanievsky ob”m, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita writes “she was endowed with every virtue, most of all patience” in his comments describing his partner in life in a book about to be released called “The Rebitzen”. The new book will reveal portions of her life, including documents and photos.

The rav writes in his approbation that he believes the sefer will serve to strengthen the Yiras Shomayim and midos tovos of readers.

Kikar Shabbat reports the book provides us with a glimpse of the life of the Rebitzen, a maternal figure to thousands upon thousands of women and faithful wife of the Torah giant.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


10 Responses

  1. What a holy couple. Reminiscent of Sar Shulem of Belz and his righteous Rebbetzin Malka.
    The only question I have. Was her name BaTsheva or rather BaSsheva. After all she wasn’t Sefardi and certainly not zionist ch”v.

  2. To the YWN Editor:

    Do you believe that H’goen R’ Kanievsky would agree (if asked) that you post a picture of his Rebitizin a”h on such a public place, this is not a kovad nor a zechus for the neshama of the Rebitzin a”h

  3. A picture is worth a 1000 words, and in the case of this Tzadekes probably way beyond a 1000 words, so simon01, please withdraw your totally unfounded assertion. …….. Watching Kedusha radiate from such a holy couple is inspiring, and may inspire many young couples to work on Sholom Bayis and reach Ziknus b’Seivo Tovo.

    As for sane conservative, the statement “not zionist ch’v” is highly repugnant & offensive to many orthodox Jews.

  4. Shimon01: quite contrary. It might do todays women and girls a service in seeeing what an amoliker wife looked like. If anything they might glean some yiras shomayim from it.

  5. Obviously Rav Kanievsky is writing a book about the Rebbitzen with pictures because he is sensitive to our needs for chizuk. So I don’t think he would mind her picture online. Her name is Batsheva because that is what she wanted. I look forward to the book.

  6. Reply to Simion (no. 3)

    The photo of the rav and the rebitzin, a’h, is a wonderful reminder of what a wonderful and loving couple they were and the great support she provided to him throughout her life. She is dressed appropriately in the photo (as she always was) so your criticism of her and of the editorial decision to post the photo is totally unwarranted.

  7. #3 & what about reading YWN on the intenet? does HRH”G SHLIT”A permit it??? he ‘osse’red internet a nice few years ago!

  8. Why should “not zionist ch’v” be offensive to anyone who follows Halacha? According to (halacha, and) this poster, it is obviously a terrible aveira to be a Zionist. So while if a simple Jew is misguided and tricked by the fallacy of Zionism, then that’s certainly understandable, Rav Kanievsky, on the other hand, certainly knows better. So the question of why use a “t” is a valid one.

    By way of answer, since the Zionists’ havara has, unfortunately, penetrated normative Ashkenazic havara, kineged their minhag, it is common for people to use “Batsheva” instead of the more precise “BasSheva”. So this colloquialism is probably why YWN used a “t” instead of an “s”.

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