Greenfield Meets With MTA Officials to Resolve Construction Complaints on New Utrecht Avenue

As part of his ongoing effort to ensure the timely completion of the MTA’s work on New Utrecht Avenue, Councilman David G. Greenfield (D-Brooklyn) recently joined MTA officials to review the progress of the various subway station construction projects currently underway along the D train line in Borough Park. As a result of Greenfield’s intervention, the MTA has recently filled most of the holes in the ground that have been disrupting businesses and taking parking away from customers and residents. After this most recent walk-through with MTA officials, the MTA agreed to wrap up work on all construction by the summer and take measures to alleviate the construction’s impact on foot traffic and visibility for local businesses.

Greenfield met with MTA officials including Lois Tendler, vice president of government and community relations, and Seymour Portes, project manager, on Tuesday, February 21 for a firsthand review of the ongoing work at the D train stations along New Utrecht Avenue from 44th Street to 55th Street and the impact the project is having for passersby and store owners. Prior to the meeting, Greenfield received complaints from residents and merchants regarding issues including lack of cleanliness, blocked sidewalk access, trouble receiving deliveries, confusion due to lack of signage at station entrances and lack of parking. Tendler and Portes are taking the input from Greenfield back to the MTA so these ongoing issues can be resolved. In addition, the agency has agreed to install a large sign on the side of its construction shed outside Luzee’s Take Home restaurant, which has been blocked from pedestrians’ view by the large work site set up on much of the sidewalk beneath the 55th Street subway station.

“We’ve been working on the ongoing MTA issues since I have come to office. I asked for a personal on-site meeting because there are still outstanding issues that were frustrating residents and businesses. I am confident that the MTA heard my feedback and will take additional steps to mitigate the impact this project is having on the community until it is completed this summer. My thanks to Lois Tendler, Seymour Portes and the rest of the MTA officials who joined me for this important site visit,” said Greenfield.

As a result of the meeting, Luzee Glick, owner of the popular Luzee’s takeout restaurant on New Utrecht Avenue at 55thStreet, said he is hopeful that Greenfield’s efforts will improve conditions for him and other merchants.


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