Hesder Rosh Yeshiva Issues Psak Against Minhag Regarding Reading Parshas Zachor

In many shuls in Eretz Yisrael the minhag has spread to read Parshas Zachor a number of times with different niggunim to accommodate the different minhagim and cantillations, such as Ashkenazi, Yemenite, and Sephardi for example. In some shuls, they even change sifrei Torah, taking out a number of seforim to read from the different ksav as well [in those shuls where such a variety exists].

The rosh yeshiva of the Haifa Hesder Yeshiva and rav of Haifa’s Technion, Rabbi Eliyahu Rachamim Zini issued a p’sak halacha against such a practice. The rav frowns on shuls that take out numerous sifrei Torah, stating this is disrespectful and while well-intentioned, the shul and effort to fulfill the mitzvah becomes “a circus”.

The rav feels that people simply do not understand the essence of the mitzvah and their good intentions have resulted in an unacceptable situation.

The Srugim website quotes the rav’s p’sak, in which he says we are required to read the parsha from a kosher sefer Torah, and the point is to understand the message. The rav quotes Meseches Megilah, that in the future, theaters and circuses will become shuls, and not the opposite.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. While I understand not taking out several Sifrei Torah, I don’t see what’s wrong by having it read in at least two cantillations, one Sephardi and one Ashkenazi. Not only does it show sensitivity to our fellow brethren, it also internalizes the chashivut of Parshat Zachor, which is a mitzva D’oraita.

  2. @Mark Levine Read the article! There are people in these shuls from different parts of klal yisroel that have these different minhagim. Besides, even if it was a chumra, just because someone wants to be more stringent doesn’t mean he is suffering from OCD. Even this Ravs problem with the practice is only because its gotten out of hand, and that its a disgrace to the sefer Torah (moving a Sefer Torah without reason and changing one Sefer Torah for another one without very good reason are both forbidden) not that it otherwise wouldn’t be a nice thing!

  3. What an irony. The RZs turned their shuls into circuses by allowing mingling of nusachs and minhagim and calling it “kibbutz galuyos.” Now it takes a posek to have a once-a-year laining done in a standard manner. For shame.

  4. in a shule that has a mesorah its read ONE way according to THAT Mesorah PERIOD ,in a yeshivah or mingled hodg podg chevra why not every way. In Sefardi its one way ZEYCHER in a Yekeshe place its ZAYCHER ,in a yeshiveshe place its two ways ZECHER AND ZAYCHER in a Taimani its ZECHER. I agree with the Rav a sane person ,no circus.

  5. Loyal Jew: This is about moving a Sefer Torah without reason and busha to its kedusha….. Many shuls in the tri state area will change nusachim or minhagim depending on the mispallim. BUT if one wants to find fault or malign the RZ kehilla, please do so….(sarcasm)

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