TSA Introduces Expedited Security Screening Lane At JFK

Getting through security at John F. Kennedy Airport is a little easier for some passengers as the Transportation Security Administration launched Wednesday its Pre-Check Program. Low-risk passengers can volunteer information about themselves before flying to get expedited screening at checkpoints.

Under the program, passengers may be allowed to keep their shoes, belts and other items on while passing through security.

The program is open to certain frequent flyers from Delta and American Airlines and some members of Customs and Border Protection’s Trusted Traveler programs, including Global Entry, SENTRI, and NEXUS.

It will be expanded to LaGuardia and Newark airports later this year.

(Source: NY1)

2 Responses

  1. They should put up a sign “Express lane – 10 items or less”.
    Then there’ll be the people who always try to squeeze in 12 items and hope no one actually counts them….

  2. Ashleigh — cute comment ..Its great that us Jews keep a sense of humor even at difficult times . “Lihyot Besimcha Tamid “.

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